Thursday, December 28, 2006
Doctor Update
Christmas update
From Rusty:
- PostSecret Book
- StuffOnMyCat wall calendar
- StuffOnMyCat daily box calendar
- Harry Potter 4 dvd collection
- Candy cane pajammies
- HUGE ASS universal remote control (too funny)
- Portable dvd player (for traveling)
- dvd player case
- fancy silverware with wooden case
- small wooden box (kinda like a small hope chest) with "Young" carved on the front
- Bob Evan's gift card (a running joke for years now since we ate there and neither one of us had "working" money)
- a fleece shirt for me
- a nice shirt for Russell
I've been making pretty scarves with my nifty knitter. It really doesn't take long at all to make them either. I gave grandma one for Christmas (and she called it her prayer shawl since she's been sick), and then she has to show me up and take me to these crocheted afghan baby blankets that she's been making for me, lol. She decided to make 2 for each grandchild now because she says she won't always be around to make them, and apparently my great grandma made a few and now family is fighting over them now that she can't make anymore. It's sad. She was doing a bit better for a while, but now they say she's sleeping all the time and only waking up to eat a little bit. Mom wanted me to go up there this weekend since they think she won't be around much longer, but I have to work, and what's the point really when she won't even know I'm there to see her anyway.
Russell and I are taking down Christmas decorations today, and we have to go grocery shopping. I'm going to start a new hobby today if I can figure it out. I'll take pictures of the wooden chest whenever we get stuff moved around and put it out. It's so pretty.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Random Comments
I really want to snoop in the presents Russell has for me under the tree.
One of them is either a dvd or a game....or he's somehow being sneaky. He's just like that. He likes to put presents in other boxes to confuse me, and it works.
I feel down being here by myself tonight, but he'll be home in an hour. Still counting down.
I don't understand some people.
They must not think of me anymore.
I still think about them.
Maybe it's just because I'm feeling down tonight.
I want to be cuddled for a week straight and not leave the house.
I want to go home to Braxton and live years from now when I'm finally done.
I want life to be easy.
I want this house to clean itself along with the dishes.
I want Red Lobster.
I want to have pictures of everything and all of it neatly and creatively put in all this scrabooking stuff that I have but don't have time or energy to use.
I want this scarf I'm making to be magically done so I can start on the next one.
I want to sleep for a while so I don't have to think. Maybe that's why I nap so much.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Now all I can do is wait.
Monday, December 18, 2006
I don't want to get up early *tear*
I did some Christmas shopping for Russell today. I think I might buy him one more thing. We said a $75 limit, but you know me. I'm already at $88, and there is still that one more thing. He says I'm done, but we'll see about that.
I know I should be going to bed right now since I have to get up at 6:00am for work, but I'm so used to going to bed at 3:00am for the past week and a half now that I just can't go to sleep. I'm too awake.
I have been trying to buy the damn nifty knitter thinger, and I've checked both Wal-Marts in Morgantown, and they are BOTH OUT! What a crock of shit. It looks like I'm going to have to make a trip to Michael's even though I really don't want to. I need something to take up my time now that I have no classes...other than Harry Potter of course.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
$400 tires?!
We spent $400 on 6 tires. Merry Christmas.
Friday I have to make the trip to Braxton (by myself in my junker car) because Gunther needs checked out. He had an allergy shot, but it didn't last long, and he's constantly scratching to wear he has bald patches again. Russell thinks we'll have to put him on prednisone or some kind of allergy pill. Also, he still keeps throwing up all the time, so Ross is going to check that, too. We've always fed him Purina Urinary Tract Formula do to his many many UTI's before, but I think I'm going to switch to the expensive vet stuff that does UTI and hairballs to see if that helps. I have to be there before noon so I can't take Russell's car because he works 11-8pm. Let's hope I don't break down. The new tires should help. After that I'll probably go hang out with mom at Shoney's until she gets off work, then go hang out at her house till 6 or so and come home.
Russell's about to get a good amount of money from the Braxton County Fair Board. He's been doing their website for a couple of years now, so he'll get like $500 for doing it and fees for the domain, and then they want to buy his design, so he'll get a good bit for that, too. Not sure how much he's going to charge, yet.
The assholes at Wal-Mart are making him work Christmas eve, so it looks like we won't get to go to his Grandma's after all.
I've done some Christmas shopping, but I haven't bought anything for Russell, yet. I want to think of something fantastic, but so far nothing comes to mind.
It was cute, he was telling me I should go get my nails done while I was waiting for our tires yesterday, but I told him I wasn't aloud to have fake nails or anything but clear nail polish at work. It turns out he was fishing to see if I was interested because he was going to get me a gift coupon to get my nails done for Christmas. lol :)
As long as I'm a nurse, though, there are no pretty nails in my future. Maybe when I get my master's though!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Damn tires
I get a freaking flat tire on the way home!!!
Luckily it happened right before Dairy Mart so I could pull over there. I managed to get the car lifted before Russell got there, but I couldn't get the bolts to budge. Russell, however, got it with like one tug....asswhipe.
So, yeah...God hates me.
I had to drive home on a bicycle tire. (well, it looked like one)
At least I got Dairy Mart cookies and cream ice cream out of it.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Dead fish
The filter hadn't been working, so I just left it plugged in. Well, the bottom pipe thinger that hooks onto the filter came off somehow, so it magically came on out of nowhere yesterday while we were both gone, and when I looked at the fish tank when I came home, my white fish was sucked up into it. There was nothing wrong with him that I know of, and he was fine last night, so that means he died by the machine. When I unplugged it, he fell out of it, and his face was all pointy.
I feel like it's all my fault for keeping that machine plugged in, but I never thought it was going to start working again just like that.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Maybe it's because I haven't put any of the presents under the tree, yet.
Or maybe it's because I gave Russell the only Christmas present that I have for him so far.
Anyone have any ideas?
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Scrape scrape
Ok, I'm sure you've heard enough about feminine stuff now.
In other news, I found out that if I get my beloved externship over the summer (which seems to be looking more like I'll get it due to my "contacts"), they will resign me from my CA position, and when the summer is over, I will have to reapply for another CA position (which might not even be the same floor). I like my floor, so that makes the decision hard, but I was really looking forward to this externship. I get paid $10/hour to shadow a nurse all summer. It's good experience and looks really good on applications.
I've also been talking to the Dean about starting the MSN program early. It turns out, from what I understand, that I do not graduate early from the BSN, but I just start taking the MSN classes in the Fall along with the rest of my BSN classes. I realize that this is a shit ton of work, but I'm used to doing a shit ton of work all the time now, and these classes are online. Russell might have to get a better job because I doubt with all that that I will have any extra time for working, but if this is what I want to do, then I need to just go for it. I could wait, and do it after I graduate, but this is one semester quicker to being finished. I have a meeting with the Dean on Monday to discuss all of this and see what I need to do. I don't see how I wouldn't be a candidate. I've proved that I can balance work. Heck, right now I do school full time, work my ass off at Ruby, I'm married, and I've managed to get Bs and As in all my classes (mostly As in my clinicals)...I think I can handle it.
Bring it on, life. You can't bring me down.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
The hubby watches Dawson's Creek!!
Russell watches Dawson's Creek episodes with me every once in a while (until I keep watching and watching until he finally leaves), but tonight it was different. I actually got him INTERESTED in the show! He made the decision to watch the next one on the dvd instead of doing something Too bad the next one was kinda boring, but still.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!
Been photographed naked? no
Kissed a member of the same sex? yes
Shoplifted? no
Are you a little fraidy-cat, then? yes
Told a lie? yes
Gotten in a car with people you just lied to? yes
Been in a fist fight? yes
Been stalked? no
Been arrested? no
Left your house without telling your parents? yes
Ditched school to do something more fun? yes
Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? yes
Slept in a bed with a member of the opposite sex? yes
Seen someone die? no
Slept in until 3? yes
Owned a cat? yes
Owned a ferret? yes
Owned a naked mole rat? no
Played dress up? yes
Fallen asleep at work/school? yes
Gotten a black eye? no
Rejected someone? yes
Eaten Bisquick powder right out of the box? no
Been camping? yes
Woke up hung over, muddy, naked, and with a sore butt? no
Been in a hurricane? no
Touched a snake? yes
Touched a trouser snake? yes
Swam with dolphins? no
Ran a red light? yes
Gotten a ticket? no
Gotten caught sneaking out? no
Like big butts? no
Read a Harry Potter book? yes
Slapped someone in the face? no
Broken a mirror? no
Been a cheerleader? yes
Looked up a cheerleaders skirt? yes
Gotten a detention? yes
Been in a car accident? yes
Pole danced? no
Been lost? yes
Fell in love with your teacher? no
Kissed someone and regretted it? yes
Put out your own eye in a fit of pique? no
Been bungee jumping? no
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? yes
Laughed until something another person was drinking came out your nose? no
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? yes
Vomited in Europe? no
Vomited in Canada? no
Laid on your back to watch the stars? yes
Been to a therapist? no
Took so many drugs your head exploded? no
Been in choir? yes
Sang in the shower? yes
Gotten a naked mole rat stuck in your throat? no
Stayed awake for 48 hours straight? no
Gone to school partially naked? no
Sat on a roof top? yes
Played chicken? yes
Been chicken tipping? no
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? no
Been scuba diving? no
Been snorkelling? yes
Had surgery? no
Been put to sleep? no
Cheated on a final exam? no
Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? yes
Tasted your own pee? (Fess up- everyones done it as a kid) no
Are you some kind of piss freak? no
Broken a bone? yes
Gotten stitches? yes
Mooned/flashed a stranger? no
Been suspended from school? no
Forgotten someone's name? yes
Slept naked? yes
Asked someone out? yes
Been asked out? yes
Sleep walked? yes
Been stung by a bee? yes
Been stung by a jellyfish? yes
Blacked out from drinking? yes
Been away from your home for over a month? no
Cussed someone out in a public place? yes
Kissed a complete stranger? no
Skinny Dipped? no
Played spin the bottle? yes
Spanked it to magazines you stole from Dad? no
Been the third wheel on someone else's date? no
Been an ingredient of a sandwich? no
Gotten off from the thrill of answering nosy questions about your sex life? no
Been cheated on? no
Felt like killing someone? yes
Killed yourself? no
Made a parent cry? yes
Cried over someone? yes
Had/Have a dog? yes
Eaten dog food? no
Do you really care about questions like this? no
Played the skin flute? yes
Been in a mosh pit? no
Drank 25 sodas in a day? no
Shot a gun? yes
Long ass survey - so bored
1. Are you wearing a necklace? Not at the moment
2. Does your computer have a mouse? Der
3. Who is the main person you talk to in each of your classes?
Everyone in my clinical group
5. What color is your shirt? gray
6. How many bedrooms do you have in your house? 2
7. What song are you listening to? christmas songs from the christmas tree music box
8. what was the last mall you've been to? Morgantown mall
9. Are you alone? nope
10. Do you have any older siblings? Joshy
11. What is the last thing you ate? pumpkin pie!
12. Who was the last person to come over to your house? umm, Sammy to pick up some homework
13. Who was the last person to call you? Andrea
14. Who was the last person who texted you? Russell
15. What time is it? 1:37pm
16. What should you be doing? decorating
17. Who is the last person you IMed? Andrea
18. Did you go out to eat yesterday? went to Eat and Park
19. What are you thinking about right now? "when are we going to start decorating!"
20. What color are your pants? blue plaid
21. What color is your keyboard? black
22. What do you feel like eating/drinking? OLIVE GARDEN OR CICI'S PIZZA
23. Are you in college? of never ends
24. What is the last phrase you wrote? of never ends
25. Are you bored? yup, why else would i be filling this crap out?
26. How many teeth do you have? umm (counting with my tongue)....28?
28. Do you wear glasses? yup
29. What color are your shoes? skin color cause i'm not wearing any
31. Last thing you drank? caramel latte
34. Who do you love? Russell, Gunther, mommy, etc. etc. etc.
35. What are you doing right now? what does it look like i'm doing?
What happend to 36?
37: what are you looking at now? the computer
38. What's the last words you said? "i'm counting my teeth"
39. Do you have lip gloss on? nope
40. Do you have eyeliner on? hell no
41. Did u realize there was no question number 36? eh?
42. Do you have a cut on your pointer finger? um, no
43. Where is your cell phone? dead in my purse
44. Do you have any friends named Robbie? no
46. Do you have any friends named Nikki/nicki? not really
47. Are you afraid of the dark? heck yeah
48. Did you used to watch "are you afraid of the dark"? of course
49. Do you like someone right now? no because someone is making me mad right now
50. What size shoe are you? 9-9 1/2
These are supposedly 30 questions that no one would EVER think to ask. Answer them, with what comes to mind first, then REPOST.
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? i haven't looked in the mirror today
2. When is the next time you will have sex? who in the hell knows the answer to that question?!
3. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR"? sore
4. Favorite planet? uranus
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile? i don't know - it's dead
6. What is your favorite ring on your phone? i don't have one
7. What kinda shirt you have on? long sleeve
8. What do you "label" yourself? retard
9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing? not wearing any
10. Bright or Dark Room? both
11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? i don't know - i stole it
12. If you're alone in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on? which ever one i lay down on first
13. What were you doing at midnight last night? waiting for Rusty to come home while watching tv
14. What did your last text message say that you received on your mobile? it's been a while
15. Where is your letter box? up the hill
16. What's a word that you say a lot? fuck
17.Who told you he/she loved you last? Rusty
18. Last furry thing you touched? Rusty, lol OR Gunther
19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? ye ol' birth control
20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? probably some old ones
21. Favorite age you have been so far? 21?
22. Your worst enemy? the hole in the kitchen floor
23. What is your current desktop picture? something that was already there when we reset the computer
24. What was the last thing you said to someone? "fuck you"
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly, which would you take? flying all the way!
26. Do you like someone? NOOOOOOOO for the last time
27. The last song you listened to? didn't i already say this, too?
28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, would you jump in front of the bullet? of course
29. If you could punch one person in the face who would it be? Tom Cruise
30. What is the closest object to your left foot? container
+ Known as: Tonya
+ Lives in: Morgantown
Birthday: May 27, 1984
School: WVU School of Nursing
+ Shoe size: 9-9 1/2
+ Hair color: dark brown
+ Style: whatever, i have none
+ Cheated on someone? nope
+ Been Cheated on? i don't think so
+ Fallen off the bed? plenty of times
+ Broken someones heart? yes
+ Had your heart broken? yes
+ Had a dream come true? Yes
+ Done something you regret? yes
+ Cheated on a test? yes lol i admit it
+ Wearing? pjs
+ Listening to? Russell jibbering about his game
+ Chatting with? Russell
+ Watching? the computer
+ Should REALLY be doing? homework, cleaning
+ Brush your teeth? ya
+ Have any piercings? 6
+ Drive? yes
+ Drink? sometimes, not often though
+ Smoke? Nope
+ Got a cellphone? Yes
SECTION 5. Friends...
+ Who are the best? Russell, Andrea, Seese
+ Who do you hate? why would they be my friend if i hated them?
+ Who is the most talkative? probably me
+ Who is the nicest? all
+ Who laughs the most? all
+ Who have you known the longest? Andrea
+ Who have you known the shortest? Samantha
+ Do you hang out with the opposite sex? nah
+ Do you trust your friends? of course
+ Are you a good friend? sometimes
+ Can you keep a secret? yes
+ Hugged? Russell
+ Kissed? Russell
+ IMed? Andrea
+ Talked to on the phone? Andrea
+ What do you want to be when you grow up? probably nurse practitioner or Clinical Nurse Specialist
+ What has been the best day of your life? there are a lot of those
+ What comes first in your life? I would be lying if I didn't say Russell
+ Do you have a crush on someone? nah
+ What are you most scared of? bees
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? what i have to do tomorrow
+ Have you lost someone you really loved? yes
+ How many times have you fallen in love? uno
+ Love your family? of course
+ Love your friends? of course
+ Movie: The Notebook, Harry Potter, Drop Dead Fred, etc.
+ Song: too many
+ Band: too many
+ Store: i guess after all this, I would still have to say Wal-Mart
+ Sport: softball
+ Ice Cream Flavor: Cookies and Cream
+ Fruit: Peach
+ Candy: skittles
+ Day of the Week: whatever day I have OFF!
+ Name for a Girl: Lexi (my baby name)
9. DO YOU...
+ like to give hugs? yes
+ Like to give kisses? yes
+ Like to walk in the rain? sometimes
+ Prefer black or blue pens? black
+ Sleep on your side, stomach or back? all
+ Have a goldfish? 2
+ Ever have the falling dream? heck yeah, i jump!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Park and Eat
I'm going to go crazy.
I think I'm starting to twitch.
OH, by the way...we are ALL going on opening night, and we're dressing up, so start thinking of who you want to be. I think we have Russell talked into being Hagrid, lol.
I ended up getting the living room clean tonight, but that was it. I got talked into heading over to Andi and Seese's to hang out for a while. We ended up going to Eat and Park (which I think should be called Park and Eat), and we had kick ass pumpkin pie and lattes. The woman put like a whole can of whipped cream on top. Now I have a tummy ache. Can you believe that they charge almost $3 per piece, but you can buy the whole damn pie for only $7?! If you have two people or more, it makes sense just to buy the whole damn thing and take the rest home, lol.
He's so sweet.
I asked him why, and he said "because you're beautiful".
I'm a lucky girl.

Monday, November 20, 2006
Christmas presents
Russell's already let the cat out of the bag on one of the presents that he was getting me, and now he says he's not going to, but I want it. Boohoo. Here's the whole story:
I called a local store today to see if they had this thing that I wanted to get Andrea. Well, they did, and they put it on hold for me. Russell heard this conversation, and he says
"You bitch"
"I was getting that for you as one of your presents!"
"Umm, this isn't for me..."
LOL! So, anyway, now he's mad at himself for telling me. Too funny.
In other news, I finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Yes, I have been reading it forever, but when you're in nursing school, there isn't much extra time for reading other than about nursing. Sooooo good...and sad. And now I keep thinking "OMG, I'm on the last book, and I'll be finished with it and die because I have to wait for the next one to come out! What am I going to do?!" So, I've read the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. And now I'm even sadder that a whole other chapter is gone....gone! And I'm getting pissed having to wait until next summer to see the damn movie! UGH!
Well, I'm going to go make lunch. Laterz.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Computer trouble
Oh, and it's not fun getting a pt that weighs 400 pounds constantly ringing the call bell for people to come in and scratch her ass....
It was so bad even turning her that we needed at least 3 people and me putting all my weight into pushing her stomach over. It's a good thing the girls on our floor are buff.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
In other news, I actually cleaned my kitchen today in between laying on my sick ass and watching tv.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Dead body #deuce
The CA beside me ended up having a patient die because they took them off life support. I poked my head in to be nice and see if I could help because in that situation, then more people the better. I wouldn't want to be alone. So I took the body bag in for them, and it was him, me, and the nurse. He face looked HORRIBLE! It was almost terrifying. And she was seaping stuff everywhere. She also kicked me. That's right. The were rolling her to put her in the body bag, and her leg kicked me. *sad face* Ugh, I was just sitting here in a daze reliving the moment. Anyway....
So, in better news, I absolutely loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove my hair. Love love love it. Best decision I ever made. I've been having people tell me that I even look more sophisticated...hmm.
Also, plans are in the process for a girly night this weekend with my two favorite girlies, Andi and Seese, so yay for that. Today is my last day of work until Wednesday. Yay me! I actually have time to get some much needed homework done this weekend. OH, and no class on Tuesday is a happy day for Tonya.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
And the hair is gone....

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Shotty Day
I got to do a foot stick for blood sugar on a baby, give a baby it's very first bath, help take pictures of the baby, dress the baby (which is harder than it looks), and feed a baby while the mom slept (a nonbreastfeeder...bad bad). It looked like my day was going to suck. Then I got pulled into the room of the woman who didn't want students just to see her baby which had Gastroschisis (which means the baby is born with an opening in the abdominal wall where the intestines are protruding). I didn't get to see much of it though because they had already covered the baby with a sterile bag to keep the intestines clean for surgery later. The baby is normally healthy other than that. They just have to mesh the intestines in and suture the opening.
After that, it was still boring with nothing to do.
Then, when the day was almost over, my instructor comes and jerks me out of my chair and has me speed walk, and she takes me to a surgery room where they were doing an emergency Cesarian section on a woman who had Placenta Previa (which means her placenta was blocking her cervix when it should be higher in the uterus not touching the cervix, and it was causing hemorrhaging which could keep the baby from getting needed oxygen). So, I got to see an entire C-section. It was so neat. The baby was blue when it came out, but it soon turned pink after some oxygen. The baby was only 29 weeks along which is too soon, but it was okay. It's so weird seeing them pull the baby out. There is amniotic fluid gushing everywhere, and they put so much pressure on the mom's incision and stomach to get that baby out. They are fast, too. It was awesome. I even got to see them pull the placenta out. Not too nasty, but I have no idea how someone could eat one of those, lol.
I thought my day was perking up after that, but then I had to sit through class where I couldn't even concentrate. Then, I forgot I parked in the Ruby parking lot and walked clear down to the lower health sciences parking lot onyl to find that my car wasn't there. So, I had to wait for the shuttle in the freezing cold to take my back up to walk some more to get my car (there was no way I was walking from the lower parking lot and freezing my butt off even more).
So, now I'm home. And I have tons of homework to do. And I want a nap.
Naps are bad.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Labor and Delivery
Mom is coming up on Thursday. We're either going to go eat at IHOP or Olive Garden, and then we're going to Fright Farm. It looks like it's going to rain, so we just might be miserable, but it's the only day we can do it. Russell kinda doesn't like Fright Farm anymore (we've had a few bad experiences there with weather and content), but he can stand it for one night, lol.
We're both off on Halloween, so who knows what we'll be doing.
I'm over half way through Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and I'm a little disappointed that I'm going to have to wait until July 2007 for the movie to come out. It's a really good book, but I want to see the movie, too...bad. And it's hard because I've always told Russell about my books, and I can't tell him about this one because he doesn't want me to ruin the movie for him. It's killing me because there is all this stuff going on that I want to blab to him, but I'm having to keep my mouth shut.
Oh, I'm a little pissed right now because I paid for a course packet for my maternal interventions class, and I need to fill out things more than once, but they only gave me one copy of each, so now I have to pay even more to make enough copies for me to use. I think that's a bunch of shit. They should had enough copies in there seeing as though I paid $10 for a hand full of pages that I need more of....
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Pumpkin Carving FUN!

Rusty doesn't want to stick his hand in his pumpkin.

Monday, October 16, 2006
I have a hole in my kitchen floor...
Russell and I are going to the mall tonight to try on some Nike Shox that we'll either buy their or get on Ebay (depending on which is cheaper). I think we'll also get some chinese food...mmm.
I put a hole in our kitchen floor. There was already a soft spot where we figured the floor was rotted from water damage or something, but I stepped on it with all my weight on my toes and where it was already weak, I snapped the linoleum. It turns out the wood was rotted and cracked (with a hole in it) also.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Not the *cough cough* sideburns!!
Cut his hair.
With clippers that he bought at Wal-Mart.
Why couldn't he have just gotten it done by a professional? He has to be like his mommy and daddy. His mom cuts his dad's hair with clippers, but one time she gave him a bald spot. Does he want a repeat? At least his dad wears hats a lot.
Well, it was going good. I was doing such a good job. I even made the back and the sides shorter than the top. And happened. He wanted me to cut the sideburns.
The sideburns?
Yes. The sideburns.
So, I cut one of the sideburns.......crooked.
I tried.
I failed.
I managed to cut it a bit crooked to where the part beside his ear is higher than the front part. He wasn't too happy. Some lady did that to him once, and he was pissed.
So, I refused to do the other one. He did it. He should have done that part by hisself to begin with like I told him to. His sideburn looked good. Mine? Not so good. He doesn't want two shitty sideburns, so now he has two uneven sideburns.
This is why I didn't want to cut his hair. Why me? Why now?
I feel really bad.
It doesn't look that bad.
But, I still feel really bad.
At least his sideburn looks good.
I will never do the sideburns again...EVER!
Now maybe I should cut my hair just because I messed his sideburn up.
See, I still look for excuses to do it.
So sad.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
OH, did I mention that Russell's the new CSM at Wal-Mart? I think I did, so I won't go into that again. But he's been training, and learning how to run the registers, and it's cute because he'll come home and ask me questions about it. And he also talks about not wanting to learn the service desk. Hehehe. I really don't blame him. It's hard and annoying. They were going to put him there yesterday, but the woman that was over there is full of it, and she would have taught him all the wrong things. It's funny how all the other CSMs
Saturday, October 07, 2006
bad inspection sticker = bad tonya
My car is finally scheduled to get fixed next week. This is a good thing because my inspection sticker went bad in August (shhhhh, don't tell), and no one in their right mind would pass inspection for a car that has windshield wipers that don't work and leaks out every drop of power steering fluid that you put into it. But, alas, it will all be over soon.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Work is going good. They have me working a lot because I already work at least 32 hours, and then they ask me to stay over all the time. I just got my 45 day evaluation yesterday, and apparently I am doing a good job. She gave me superior on some things like teamwork and patient care. It feels good to know that they like it when I'm there (even if it's only because they don't have to do a bunch of extra work when I'm there). The RNs get 3 patients a piece...max. Me? I can have up to 12 patients. Yesterday I had 9, so it was a rough day.
I switch classes in a week and a half. I'm finished with psych (thank God), and I switch to maternal, and I'm really looking forward to it.
Russell and I are itching to make an awesome Halloween village. This year it's all really exciting to me. We've looked on ebay, but it's all that Dept 56 stuff that's like $100 per house or something, so we're going to go to Michael's sometime soon to look around. We're also going to go to Fright Farm on Thursday with some friends from work, so that should be fun.
Oh, and Russell got a CSM (Customer Service Manager) position at the new Wal-Mart. No more Stockman. He'll be over all the cashier's and stockman, so that will be neat. He goes from a payclass 1 to a payclass 6! Yay!! Oh, and we're crossing our fingers for something else, too.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Random pictures from the weekend.

Has anyone ever seen a donkey drink grape pop?

Russell's niece Kylie took the reigns.

Who's the jackass now?

Russell's mom's face on the tree.

Rusty and his Grandma (her 90th birthday party).

In order: Laura (Russell's sister), Michael (Russell's brother), Kylie, Ross (Russell's dad), Chris (Russell's mom), and Russell.

Russell's other niece, Sydney.

What kind of a face is that?

For now I am going to bed. I will do an actual update later, ANDREA! Maybe this will hold you until then, lol.