Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Booty

Hey ya'll! It's Christmas eve! I am bored enough to post even though it's almost 11:00pm, and I need to be washing up the dishes and making my yummy pepperoni rolls with cheese to take to mom's house tomorrow to heat up for lunch along with the potato soup I made.

Russell and I are having our Christmas in the morning. I can't wait to see what he got me, although I am kinda sad that the things I got him aren't that exciting. I just couldn't think of ANYTHING good this year. That's pretty much the same for everyone, though. I couldn't think of anything good for Merry Christmas...your gifts suck.

I should be watching "A Christmas Story".

Maybe I'll get some Christmas booty tonight. Bwahahah!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Ortho Novum 777

Hormones suck. I recently had to switch from Ortho-Tricyclen to Ortho Novum 777 due to a small problem with some side effects. Well, anyway, since the hormones are obviously different, it is driving me nuts. I feel too emotional right now, and I don't like it. Fuck you, Ortho Novum 777, and the doctor that prescribed you.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

No more Wal-Mart for YOU!

I am going to say this once more: STOP COMING TO WAL-MART! We don't want to see you there! We don't get Christmas bonuses this year anyway, so we do not require your sales. Thank you.

Anyways, grades are up. I got 3 A's and one B. The only reason I got a B is because I stopped caring and stopped going to class for that one, so yeah. Could have had a 4.0, but instead I got a 3.75 which still isn't too shabby. It's funny that I get better grades now with harder classes when I hardly try anymore than I did at the beginning when I tried hard at easier classes. Weird.

I'm sleepy, and I can't think of anything else to say right now, so I will post more later. Maybe tomorrow since I am off, and I'll probably be bored enough to post. BUT, also doing laundry, cleaning, and seeing Andi tomorrow.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Stuff blows

I am just so down and stressed right now. I feel like giving up. The only final that I even care about is my plant pathology exam, and that's only because I respect the professor and don't want to let him down. I feel like I'm getting sick. I ALWAYS get sick on finals week. I have even been eating shitloads of vitamin c drops! Who knows. Work is work as always. Wal-Mart keeps getting busier and busier. It's crazy. Yesterday, Russell and I couldn't even find a place to park. WE waited on these two older women forever because they were loading up their car. So we sat for like 5 minutes while they did that, and one lady took her sweet ass time putting her cart up (well, she put it up at least, I guess), and then they waited that whole time, got back to their car, looked at us and mouthed "we're not going anywhere". Bitches. Why would you do that to someone. If I wasn't leaving, and I saw someone waiting there with their blinker on beside me, I would have told them right away so they wouldn't have to waist their time like we did.

I got a call from mom yesterday. Dad called her. He's trying to get to me through her, and it REALLY pisses me off. When I was little, he found a tumor in his chest that he had to have removed. It was benign. So, now he's calling her saying that he has found more tumors and that he only has a couple of years to live. He says he has no one because Loralie left him, took the kids, and wants a divorce. I asked her how he would even know how long he has to live. She said he doesn't want to go to the doctor since he has no one anyway, so she has no idea how he would know that. So, in other words, he's making up shit because he knows it would upset me. He begged her to get me to call him because one of these days he's not going to be there for me to call. And he knew that would bother me. But I don't want to talk to him. Mom says I should because she thinks I'll regret it if I don't ever talk to him again, but like I said...I don't want to. I wouldn't know what to say. Russell keeps trying to remind me that my real dad died a long time ago. Now is not the time for me to have to deal with this shit. But of course he would be the one to deal me drama during finals week.

Even more drama coming from work. This girl I work with at the service desk has always been REALLY nice to me...until now. I was sent back over there after being on regular register in order to give her a break, but she had a long line...which I would have dealt with, BUT the CSM said "you won't leave her with this long line will you?" And for some reason that majorly pissed her off that she assumed that she would leave me with a long line...which I really didn't care about. So she felt that she must stay until EVERY single person at the service desk area was no longer there. I kept telling her to go ahead and go to break. I would take care of the line. But she kept saying no. Well, this was going to make me late for my break, too, so she really needed to just go. So I kept trying to be nice and tell her it was okay to go, and she snapped. "DON'T YOU EVER TELL ME TO GO TO BREAK AGAIN! YOU ARE NOT MY SUPERVISOR! I WILL GO TO BREAK WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT!" What a bitch. This is what I get for trying to be nice! So I just didn't talk to her. So then later she told me not to be mad at her because she was not mad. Oooooooookay. Right. AND THEN, later on she went to break, came back for a few minutes, then disappeared again for a while. So I was talking to another associate when she came back, and she rudly interrupted me to tell me that I needed to go to back so she could go to lunch so I could leave on time. Yeah, I know what we're thinking. Did I say it? No, I didn't because I'm a coward. I should have said "YOU'RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR, BITCH!" But no. Those words did not come out of my mouth. I went to break just to get away from her. How was I supposed to go anyway since she disappeared? Hmm. So they were telling me that I would have to stay until she came back from lunch which would have made me like 15 minutes late leaving. So she comes back early, and I asked her why. She said "so YOU could go home". Excuse me? I did not ask you to come back early. Sheesh.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

MMM Cheesecake

I could eat a whole entire cheesecake by myself. And I would love every second and every bite of it.

Just thought you would like to know that.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Christmas pictures

This is Russell's sugar bear that he had growing up. This sucker is so old, and I am sad to say that he died this year. We got him out of the attic, and he no longer plays music. *tear*

This is our cheap nativity scene.

This is a cute Santa with his cow that Russell's mommy gave us last year.

Daddy, mommy, and Gunther's stockings. Ignore the clutter.

Our WVU (plus red bulbs for extra color) Christmas tree. We tried a new spot this year.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

No MoRe AnYtHiNg!!

Well, I did have some pictures of our newly put up Christmas tree, BUT blogger is being retarded and the image thinger isn't working the way it should be.

So, anyways, I had a big plant pathology test today along with an animal physiology lab final. They both sucked. Enough of that.

I haven't been doing much other than working, studying, schooling, more working, sleeping, eating, and thinking about shooting myself. My days off from work are not really days off. I can't wait till this semester is over. I am in desperate need of a break. Well, I guess that won't be much of a break either because I got bumped up to 40 hours/week at work due to the hustle bustle of the holiday season, but atleast I can actually have a day off other than having to clean or something like that. I can't wait. I am so burnt out right now.

I needed to do laundry today. I didn't. I needed to do a lot of things today that I did not do. I work 2-11pm tomorrow. I do have Friday off, though, but once, clean, laundry, etc. Fun.

I will post the pics later when blog is not pissing me off.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Nice ass.

Break was fantastical! We spent most of the week at Russell's parents' house. Here is one new thing I did over break:

That was some scary shit if I do say so myself. And yes, I do realize that I look like a major dumbass in these pictures, but I cannot show how surprised I was on that jackass if I did

We spent Thanksgiving with my mommy, and I got to show her all of my gross lab pictures. She liked them. We came home on Black Friday and had to work work work. Did I mention that I hate Wal-Mart?

Russell bought a PSP with his 20% discount. He loves it so far. He just HAD to buy a wireless router thing just so he could play with his PSP more. I, on the other hand, bought kitty litter with my 20% discount. Hehehe.

I decided what I wanted to do for all the girlies for Christmas. I'm making something, and I already started getting the stuff. So exciting. Hopefully, it does not turn out like crap.

Oh, and the annual doctor appointment is tomorrow. It's at 1:30pm, so if anyone feels like coming and sitting in the waiting room with me, it would be much appreciated. This will be my first time going by myself. I know how sad that sounds. At least I'm getting it over with. They better give me better birth control this time because the one I'm on right now is majorly sucking for me.

We haven't put up Christmas decorations, yet, and I'm very sad about that. I'm going to have to go ahead and get the stuff out of the attic or something, but I can't put up the tree until Russell and I have time off to be able to do it together.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

We had our last sheep lab yesterday. Everything actually went VERY well! We even got to "explore" after we were done, although we didn't have much time seeing as though the lab took so long to begin with. I have lots of nice pictures, although I will warn you that they are very graphic. Keep in mind that these are research sheep that they will put down anyway, and they are completely anesthetized almost like a human would be if they were having surgery. They cannot feel a thing. I will only post a couple pics here because I don't want stupid people who don't understand leaving me shitty comments, so if you want to see the rest of the pictures, instant message me, and I will send them to you. They are actually some really cool pictures if you like that sort of thing.

You can't see much gore in this pic, but this is me and the sheep, smiling.

This is one of the members of the group giving a shot into the jugular to anesthetize the sheep.

That is probably the only ones I have that aren't gory, so like I said before, let me know if you want to see them.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Ugh and more Ugh

Why am I so terrified of change? It's crazy. I hate that about myself. I waould love to get my hair cut, but I'm too afraid to cut it because I think I'll miss my long hair. I can't do anything with my long hair, and it always stays back. Ugh. I'm also afraid to change things in a freaking game...isn't that insane?? It's everything that I can't easily reverse. The only thing in my life that I haven't been afraid of is things to do with Russell. I was never afraid to marry him or anything like that. He's pretty much the only thing I've been sure of.

And it seems that I can't even make my own decisions about anything. I'm always asking other people what they think I should do. I know it annoys the crap out of Russell, but I just can't help it. Why can't I be one of those people that just snap their fingers and can make a decision. This also includes job decisions, but I won't go into detail about that on here. Can we say dooce? Ugh X 2.

Thanksgiving is coming up soon. I'm a little sad, though, because Russell's brothers and sisters are not going to be able to come in as planned. Maybe only one of them and just for like a day. This is crappy. I like being able to see all of them. But, we're still going to go in and see his parents and my side of the family as well.

This week is the last sheep lab. I am planning on taking my camera so I can get some good pictures of what I see and do during these labs so I can share it with all of you, BUT the good ones might not go up here because I don't want hell for it for all those stupid people who like to throw fits about those sort of things. So, if you want to see the good ones, you'll have to ask for them so I can send them to you.

Well, I'm going to go pick up some and finish my application before I have to go to the hell hole called Wal-Mart.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

I want some time.

Russell and I went on a little date last night. First we went to Bob Evans and had a very yummy dinner, and then we went to the mall to watch "Saw 2". It was actually really good, although I wish it would have ended with a little more info, but I won't give anything away for those of you who haven't seen it, yet. I have a bunch of crap coming up. Lots of work, a bunch of tests, and a lab Next week we are not doing a sheep lab, but we get to listen to our professor's wife give a talk. I believe she's a surgeon, and she brings lots of pictures, and I heard it's a really interesting lecture. I'm excited and looking forward to it.

We're planning on going out with Andrea and Erik next Friday. Yay for fun! It's been a while since we've had our double date. Everyone is always so busy at different times. Who knows where we'll end up, but Kegler's is a good possibility. We can bowl and eat wingers whilst drinking cheap I'll need a little fun after my week-o-hell.

I am really not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I don't know why, but at the moment I feel like I will be working forever until I'm off again, and it's driving me nuts just thinking about it. One of those gut feelings. Why can't I just not work and just go to school? There are so many spoiled brat kids who get their education and everything else paid for by mommy and daddy, and they never have to worry about a damn thing. They don't even know how good they have it, either. I wish we'd win the lottery or something so Russell and I could just sit home all day long and play World of Warcraft or do whatever else we want to do. Maybe I could actually do other things that I enjoy but don't have time for - like finish my RE4 game or play the Sims, or finish the blanket I started, or crochet, or watch tv, or read my books that haven't come in the mail, yet. I just want some time. Ruff.

Oh by the way, Russell and I both get a 20% discount ticket for one item a piece during Thanksgiving week, and we've been thinking about what we want to get with them, so if you have any ideas, let us know!

I'm ready to go to bed so I can cuddle my hubby. I cuddled up to him early this morning, and his shoulder was so cold, so I tried to keep it warm with my face. When he called me this morning on his break, he said I put him back to sleep when I cuddled up to him. Hehehe. Yeah, I know. Shutup and quit being so sappy, Tonya. Okay. Bedtime. My back hurts.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Quick Ranting Post

Here is a quick ranting post before I go to bed because I am awfully pissed tonight.

Rant #1: If you can't park, don't own a fucking car!! This is this dumbass who drives an orange car that lives at our apartment building, and they can never park right. Tonight I come home and actually find what should be a spot, but they are taking up a half of two parking spots. Assholes. I would have left a hate note, but I didn't have a Next time, I will be prepared.

Rant #2: If I tell you to get your fucking dog out of Wal-Mart, then listen to me and get your fucking dog out of Wal-Mart. I told that to two stupid bitches tonight, and they said, "in a minute" then went about their shopping. Did management do a damn thing about it? HELL NO! Surprises the hell out of me. So, when the health department shuts our Wal-Mart down because of it, then I will get and see.

Rant #3: Why is it that an employee can come in on their day off, dressed up for Halloween in the same thing they wore last year, and still be considered for the Halloween dress up contest? This lady is the most bullshit liar I have ever met, too. Everything that comes out of her mouth is bullshit. AND, she told me tonight that she had not voted, yet, so she went in and voted, and I have it on good authority that it was not her first vote today. She was there all day. Why would she wait until right before she left to vote...oh no....not her. It's really not that I care if I win or not because there were other people who had much better costumes than I did, and they put much more work in it, but SHE WASN'T EVEN WORKING THAT DAY! She does anything for attention, and she's a money grubber, and those are the only two reasons that she showed up at all. Bitch. Hehehe. By the way, this lady is like 80~something years old. She's a fake and a thief if you ask me. But that is a whole different story, and I have talked much longer than I planned. I am headed to bed, and I will tell the tale of my sheep cutting another day.


Friday, October 28, 2005

Sugar, we're going down swinging.

It's been a while since I posted. Things have just kinda been crazy lately. I'm sitting at the library, like usual. Having no electricity sucks ass! I don't know if you realize, but it gets kinda cold when everything in your apartment is electric (including the heater), and there is no electric. That snow was just CRAZY! What the hell was that?

Anyways, we're going into Braxton tonight to stay with Russell's parents. Then we have to get up early in order to get some blood taken. That should be fun. At least I'll know if either one of us has anything wrong. That kinda makes me feel better, although lately I've been a little freaked about that sort of thing.

This week in animal physiology lab, we had to work on our own sheep. I thought I was okay with it, but something about tearing flesh of a live animal bothers me. Yeah, it's anesthatized and can't feel anything, but it's just weird, warm, and beating. I'd rather be working on something that's already dead, but then again I guess you couldn't really study the living body otherwise. The things we do are kind of neat, and we get to see things that you normally would not be able to see, but I kind of had a breakdown about it the other night. All the sudden, death was just so confusing to me. I just couldn't handle it. But, now I'm fine. I'm sure I'll be okay next week when we have another sheep, but hopefully I don't have another night like this week. If you knew me as a kid, though, something like that would seem normal. I use to always cry and cry to my mom about death. It was like an everyday thing. Kids shouldn't worry that much, but I was one of the most worry-wart kids you'd ever meet. I learned different techniques when I was younger to cope with my feelings about death, and after I grew up some, I would have those thoughts less and less, but I still sometimes get those awful feelings again. Now it's easier to ignore, but then I think that maybe I shouldn't be ignoring them. It's real life.

I know all of this is probably confusing to someone reading, but it all makes sense to me, and that is what's so....I don't know. Whatever. Add any word that you want. I'm done for today.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Bug Crisis

Welp, I forgot to tell everyone the story of my mystery bugs, so I'm going to update once again. Last night, Russell and I went to bed around midnight thirty, and then around 1:15 am, I started freaking out. I thought I saw tons of larger sized nat looking things flying around our bed. I jumped up really quick and started yelling at Russell. "TURN ON THE LIGHT! TURN ON THE LIGHT QUICK!!" I ripped him out of his sleep, so he didn't know what was going on. As soon as he turned on the light I realized that there was nothing around me. No bugs. No nothing. Let's just say that Russell wasn't too happy that I woke him up due to imaginary bugs seeing as though he had to get up at 6:00 am. Woops.

At least I haven't checked out any Wal-Mart customers in my sleep lately. That was a very bad time in my life. Hmph.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Sniff sniff

Russell and I took a three hour nap this evening before his big world of warcraft raid. Why is it that it's so much fun to take naps together? It seems more special than just sleeping together every night because everyone sleeps every night, but to take a nap together during the day means you actually enjoy sleeping beside one another. I know. I'm a big dork. And yeah, we definitely won't be able to sleep tonight.

I also have always had this fetish with smelling him. I can't get enough of it. Sometimes I just sit here, lean over, and smell his arm over and over and over. He smells so good, and I think it probably has something to do with his pheremones, as well. Ever since I met him I've had this thing with smelling him. Mmm...gotta love that old spice, too. :)

Do me a favor...leave me alone.

Why can't people just leave other people alone?! I would love to be able to walk back and forth to class without someone bugging me, but it just does not and will not happen. Whether it be the guideans (spelling?) or people trying to get your vote...leave me alone! I will not vote for you unless I know you anyway, so by you bugging me, I'm just going to not vote for you even more or worse, vote for the opposite person just because they left me the hell alone! Take today for instance, I was minding my own business walking to the library to update my life for all you loyal readers when out of nowhere, this guy stops me. You can kind of tell when these people have something in mind just by the way they stare at you when you're walking toward them. He stopped me and asked me if I wanted to buy some "interesting religious books from India for $1". Is this my punishment for not taking the stairs?? LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!
I don't know you.
I don't want to know you.
I don't want your product of any kind.
I don't want to sign your petition.
I already have three bibles.
I don't vote.
What else do you want from me? Hey, I'm not saying that I won't do all these things for my friends, because I do not mind doing that, but if I don't know you, don't freaking talk to me unless you're lost or need the time. Other than that, I'm dead to you. Get it? Probably not. This subject of human beings bothering other human beings will never end. People just love to be annoying.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I want my damn cookie dough poptart!!

It took me FOREVER to find a damn seat in the library today! What the hell? I always find an empty computer right away. I went to almost every freaking floor, too! So, finally I found one on the bottom floor, and now I can't eat my cookie dough poptart because all of the library trolls are watching me. They have x-ray glasses, and they know that I'm carrying a poptart in my purse, although they may not know that it's the deathly cookie dough poptart. I got yelled at once in here for having a drink! That had a lid on it! Never mind a crumbling poptart.

Animal physiology lab test is today. It really shouldn't be too bad. I know this stuff.

I spent buttloads of money yesterday on clothes, but I actually got some cute things like sweaters (pumpkin colored) and dressy shirts and a button up sweater...and nice pants. Maybe I won't look to shabby or like a hobo this fall. I felt bad about spending that much money, though, seeing as though Russell didn't find anything he wanted...*sad face*.

We were seriously looking at some houses in the Homes and Land catalogue, but when we looked online at the realtor's websites, each house was already under contract, so now I am furious. I WANT A HOUSE NOW DAMN IT! Who knows what we'll end up doing. We have until May, but when you're buying your first house, that really isn't that much time with all of the things that you have to do.

I want my cookie dough poptart. I'm losing ATP as we speak...losing it through typing that is and possibly through fidgeting as well.

I've been working at the courtesy desk more, and I've been seeming to like it. Time flies by a lot faster over there than up front. I'm not constantly checking my watch because I don't mind what I'm doing. I already got my 20 cent raise even though I haven't started there fully, yet...not until the new schedule, but I have been filling in when they don't have anybody. I can now do all of the Money Gram sending and receiving and money orders on the computer, so I'm not a total idiot.

OHH, and in my psychology class, we watched a film on the "wild child", and it was so moving...and it pissed me off. There was this 13 year old girl that they called "Genie" whom they found in her mom and dad's house tied to her potty chair. She was beaten any time she made a noise, so she never talked or communicated, and she lived most of her life tied to the potty chair. Because of this, she missed the critical period to learn language, and she seemed mentally retarded, even though they believed that she wasn't born that way. Scientists and psychologists were all fascinated by this, and they wanted to study her and teach her. They even taught her how to speak (even though it was high pitched and muffled), and they also taught her how to do sign language, but alas, the scientists did not record their research, and their granting was taken away. They always said how much they loved and cared for "Genie", so what did they do when the granting was pulled? They gave her back to her incompitent mother after being placed in many different foster homes. Her father had previously commited suicide, and her mother stated that she was also oa victem to her husband. She didn't live there very long before being placed in a home for mentally retarded adults where she still resides today. The people who said they loved her never saw her again.

It pisses me off because even though she was disabled due to the circumstances handed her, she was learning with gaining a mental age year every year after they found her. But, because they didn't have money anymore, they gave up on her, and sent her to the dogs. It is so disappointing. All in the name of science, right? I recommend that you go to your local library and find the movie about "Genie" also known as "The Wild Child".

Monday, October 10, 2005

Large glasses equals pissing my brains out.

I have a huge paper due and two tests this week, but am I using my free time productively? A big hell no to that one. Instead I am updating my blog. It's nice to know that I have my priorities straight. I am on the bottom floor of the library today. I normally go to the sixth floor, but the elevator is out of order, and I refuse to walk that many flights of stairs.

We went on a double date with Andrea and Erik on Friday night. We went and ate dinner at CJ Maggies which was very good. It's scary when you get a kick out of drawing penises on the table with a crayon and asking the waitress if they have any live pigs at least three times. Their glasses are so huge that I had to pee many times that night. After dinner (and horrid traffic) we went to the movies and watched "Corpse Bride" which was just okay. I probably wouldn't watch it again unless someone already had it on the tv. I also won a chicken that poops out a yolk sack. I will post pictures of that when I get home sometime. AND I bought a shirt about mullets, so that's cool also.

Welp, I will post more later, but I'm going to head to class early to see if I can catch Steffie today. I have been missing her for the past few weeks on our Monday meetings because I keep forgetting. BOO to me!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Shame on me

I'm sitting here in the library once again. It is much better than sitting on the hard floor at Brooke's for an hour. You know, I was thinking this morning, and I know absolutely nothing about wordly issues. I am not a wordly person at all. I'm more at home. I know everything that has and will effect me and my family and friends, but nothing else. I'm terrible. I don't watch the news or anything. Politics bore me, and I do feel for people that go through tragedies, but I don't watch them on the news. I read sometimes on the internet, but I don't have much time for that, and when I do, I end up doing something else. Shame on me.

I think lab is going to take the full five hours today, and I'm not too happy about that because I have to go to work tonight, and I need a break already.

I'm tired.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Courageous Women

Today I went to see mommy. I took her all her birthday presents, we went out to eat at Shoneys with Grandma and James, and then we came back to her house and watched "Monster-in-Law" (second time for me). They thought it was cute. I miss being able to see mom whenever. An hour and a half away is longer than it sounds, especially when work and school come into play.

I was thinking today about how amazing my mom and grandma are. My grandma took care of my grandpa for a long time while he was dying of cancer. It takes a very strong person to go through something like that and keep living. He died when I was 6 years old. My mom also endured all of that, and she was married to an awful man for 20 something years. A man who was a terrible alcoholic and would also disappear for days at a time on his drunken sprees. He was never abusive to her or I, but he stole from me, and beat the hell out of my brother on more than one occasion. She finally had the courage to leave. She had enough, and she left. That does take a lot of courage to finally leave knowing that after many years of being with someone, you are going to be alone. My grandma remarried a man that also had a spouse die, and I'm sure my mom will, too. I hope she finds someone that will treat her like a princess and give her everything in life that she deserves. I want her to be so happy, and I know right now has to be very hard for her. Especially now that neither I nor my brother can be there for her on a regular basis. I don't think I could ever be as strong as these two women. I look up to them for their courage.

This next week shouldn't be too awful - no tests and no lab reports. I think I have Thursday and Friday off, so that ought to be very nice although I do not want to work the rest of the days. We'll see how the week goes.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Senior Citizen Sex

A couple are having dinner at a restaurant and the husband leans over and asks his wife, "Do you remember the first time we had sex together over fifty years a go? We went behind this very tavern where you leaned against the back fence and I made love to you."

"Yes", she says, "I remember it well."

"Ok," he says, "How about taking a stroll around there again and we can do it for old time's sake?"

"Oh Charlie, you old devil, that sounds like a crazy, but very good idea!"

There's a police officer sitting in the next booth listening to all this, and having a chuckle to himself. He thinks, "I've got to see these two old-timers having sex against a fence. I'll just keep an eye on them so there's no trouble." So he follows them.

They walk haltingly along, leaning on each other for support, aided by walking sticks.

Finally they get to the back of the tavern and make their way to the fence.

The old lady lifts her skirt and the old man drops his trousers. As she leans against the fence, the old man moves in.

Suddenly they erupt into the most furious sex that the watching policeman has ever seen. This goes on for about ten minutes. Finally, they both collapse panting on the ground.

The policeman is amazed. He thinks he has learned something about life that he didn't know.

After about half an hour of lying on the ground recovering, the old couple struggle to their feet and put their clothes back on.

The Policeman, still watching thinks, this was truly amazing. I've got to ask them what their secret is.

As the couple passes, he says to them, "Excuse me, but that was something else. You must've had a fantastic sex life together. Is there some sort of secret to this?"

The old man says, "Fifty years ago that wasn't an electric fence!"

Doing it in the bushes and other things

I am sitting in the library right now. That is how bored I am and how I have absolutely nothing to do. Even my iPod is dead...damn. I just took my psyc test, and I got done with that 20 minutes early, and now I have another hour until I can go to plant pathology (I got a 94% on that test btw).

So, what has been going on, you ask. Well, last weekend was Andrea's birthday party. We went and took a lot of pictures (I am not going to be gay and link it to that when the link is on the right side of the page...lazy). We drank a lil, laughed a lil, and played with the daikot a lil. We had a pretty good time. I was supposed to be the DD, but we all see how that worked In other words, I did not drive us home that night. Russell did. I miss hanging out with all those misses bitches and mister bitches. We're going to have to do it more often.

I finally get a freaking day off today. Wal-Mart has been reaming my ass big time. Too many tests x too much work = cranky Tonya. On the other hand, I am moving over to the Service Desk for good, so I get another 20 cent raise. Yes, I do have to put up with a lot of assholes, but oh well. It's a change, and now I don't have to put up with red-lining or zoning at night when they feel like sending people out to do so. I can just stand behind my little desk, do some returns, and seperate stuff that needs to go back on the floor by department. Why am I getting a raise again? It seems the higher pay class you go, the less and less you do. Just think about the managers...well, let's not go into that. The only thing that will suck is when Christmas comes around. RETURN CITY!! All you fuckers wait until after Christmas and then make appointmets to return things. That's how it should be. You make appointments to go to the doctor or dentist. Why not Wal-Mart? It only makes sense. JUST SAY NO TO WAL-MART!! It's like a bad drug that you don't need.

In other news, this Monday is mommy's birthday. I'm going to go in early Sunday morning sometime, give her presents, watch a movie, take her out to eat, and then come home at a reasonable time. I don't know if Russell's coming with me or not, yet, so it might be a long, lonely drive by myself. I don't blame the poor guy for not wanting to go. We're both wore out, but I feel like I should go in and spend some time with mom for her birthday whether he decides he wants to go or not. I got her a new "jogging" outfit...well, walking for her since she loooooves to walk. I also got her some makeup and some sweet pea lotion, and I bought her a new phone, too, because her old one isn't working very well, but her old one has an answering machine on it, so I think I might take this one back and just buy her a new battery for the other one that she already has.

I've still been thinking about the hospital a lot, and I would REALLY like to go since it's what I will be doing for a career, but I'm just now moving into another position, and I would like to preserve my 10% discount for a little longer. Especially since we're going to be buying a house before May. That takes a good deal of supplies. I will be extremely depressed when I lose my dicount. It's just that important to me that I do not pay full price. 10% really adds up when you shop there a lot, like I do. More of our money goes to Wal-Mart than anywhere else...a good deal more, actually.

Today is clean/dishes/laundry/play games/go to the grocery store and buy liquor so Rusty and I can get each other plastered tonight and do it outside in the bushes with the snake that now inhabits our garden that Brunswick will not take care of because they said they came up there and didn't see anything even though we told them it lived in the wood in front of our apartment and that we should call them again if we see it so they can come up and kill it (when they could easily put snake repelent in) which Russell failed to do because it went crazy and the hoe was too damn big to fit in the area that the snake was so now I am going to get my ass bit whenever I play in the garden of which we are going to have drunken sex in tonight. Whew. LMAO.

Well, now that I've written a complete novel and completely disgusted everyone reading, I think I'll move on to other boring things on the internet whilest I sit here, wishing I were home in bed with Russell...not doing it in the bushes.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Nice rump!

Man, I do have to say that I am lucky to have such a nice assed husband. Tee hee hee.

Peppermint Lovin'

Yeah, a lot has been going on, and I haven't posted in a while. I know how disappointed all of you are.

Shit #1:
I was on my way to school on a Monday morning a few weeks ago, and my brake line just happened to bust while driving. My brakes went out on my, and I tried to stop, and when I didn't slow very much, of course your first instinct is to push harder on the brakes...welp, I went sliding like I was hydroplaning. Luckily, no one was in front of me, and it was at a stop light. That was right beside of the colliseum, so I went ahead and continued to drive in there to park, utilizing my emergency brake, of course. So, then I called Russell who told me to look under my car, and what do I see? A shit load of fluid leaking out of my rear left tire. So, we both decided that it was better for me to brave driving back toward meineke (once again using emergency brake and going 45mph on the interstate and 25mph down that nasty hill...on the curb so people didn't ram up my ass) because the longer I waited, the less brake fluid I would have, and we really didn't feel like paying for a tow truck...whew, long ass sentence. It was scary as hell!! So, Russell left work to come to Meineke to get me. It's fixed now...thank goodness.

Shit #2:
Russell and I both went to work at 2:00pm on Monday, and around 2:50pm, Russell ripped the hell out of his shoulder. He was doing a team-lift with another stockman, and the customer helped as well. ~Keep in mind that this is a 160lb. entertainment center.~ Well, anyway, the customer dropped his end for some unknown reason, and then e.c. started to fall. So, Russell, using instinct only, grabs with his left arm to catch it. Enough said. He was hurting so bad, and he couldn't even breathe very well, so he went and filled out and accident report, and I clocked out and took him to Med-Express. I like that place. We were going to pay the $115 fee to see the doctor, but since it was a work related injury, they made him fill out a workman's comp form. Oh, well. The doctor gave Russell an excuse off work in order to heal his strained rotary cuff and pec muscles, and prescriptions for Tylenol 3 and Flexril (some kind of muscle relaxant). I brought him home, made him some dinner, doped him up, put some ice on his shoulder, and went back to work. He's off for a whole week, and I hope he's healed good by tomorrow because I don't want him reinjuring himself which happens pretty damn easy with strained muscles. NO LIFTING STUFF FOR YOU, MR. YOUNG!!

In other non-shit news, I got a 39/40 on my psyc 241 exam...not too shabby, and I just took my plant pathology exam, which I think went pretty well. I'll update you on that later when I get my test back.

Russell and I have been playing a lot of world of warcraft lately and having a blast I might add. It helps for one of us to have a whole week off work, and another one to have 4 days off in a row. I was also going to clean really well on those 4 days off, but did that happen?

Tonight is Andrea's birthday party, so I gotta go to get some chips and dip. Should be tons-o-fun. We're going to take our brand-spanking new camera and take lots of incriminating photos to share with

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Once you pop, the fun don't stop.

Russell bought me a new digital camera off ebay!! It's going to be awesome. It's supposed to be a really good camera, and it had really good reviews on the internet. It's an Olympus C-740 Digital Camera (30x zoom). Definitely expect a lot of pics on here once we get it in the mail.

School is going pretty good. I have three tests next week: psychology, plant pathology, and beef production. That aught to be tuns-o-fun.

Work sucks as always. Tonight I got stuck in jewelry all night, and I ended up having to stick around for a half an hour longer than what I was supposed to be there because the CSM forgot about my break which I didn't get to take until 10:30pm (I was only scheduled till 11:00pm), and then he forgot about me when he was supposed to come and pop my TWO drawers that I had to shut down and turn in before I could leave. I know he was busy, but come on, I would like to leave also.

I haven't been too great on the diet lately. I thought once I got all that new stuff it would excite me again to do a good job and lose a lot of weight. I'm just so stressed/hungry all the time, and I'm always wanting to eat. I think I have an eating disorder..."binge-eater" of those people who always has food on the brain and will constantly eat even when they are not hungry and eat a lot when they do eat...only I don't purge, bleh. Just binge-eating without the purging is still considered a disorder (I learned that today in

The fishies are still going strong and appear to be healthy. I think it's safe to start naming them now. If you have any suggestions, let me know. One is a small black moore, one is a white oranda with an orange brain, one is a pearly calico goldfish, and the last is a pleco (algae eater). We're almost through the cycling process. All the ammonia is now low, and the nitrites are starting to rise to dangerous levels which is very unhealthy for the fish, but I try to change the water 75% every day that I can, I test the water every day, and I put some salt in there to help the fish to be able to buffer with the nitrites around. Nitrites are bad. Although, I was a bad mommy today, and I didn't get to clean it because today was my long day of class then work. But, maybe I'll get a chance to change it before I go to bed. I'm pretty tired, though. So, I'm going to go now. I will take pics of the fishies when I get my camera so you can all see how pretty they are!!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

We like the cars - the cars that go boom.

It's been SUPER long since I've actually made a real update. Things are going pretty good. Work sucks...big time! No one there will do anything for you. Especially not the main manager. He acts like he cares, but he doesn't. Oh well. Hopefully, I won't have to worry about it much longer.

School is okay. I like my classes. I had my first test last week, and I got a B. Not too bad, but could have been better.

I found out that once Russell goes back to school there is a good chance that he could get a stipend that would be worth $15,000 for the whole year. So not only would his tuition be paid for, but he would be making more than he does now at Wal-Mart. They do that because they feel that the student should be able to concentrate on their classes and studies without having to work, so that is very nice. I have the teacher for plant pathology right now that he worked for at Brooke's Hall. He looooves Russell.

I've had a cold for a few days. It sucks, but I feel better right now. I hope it stays that way.

I had to push a girl at the PRT the other day. It was funny as hell!! Everyone was crowded around the PRT, but they were all going to the Hospital, so whenever Engineering popped up, no one would move out of the way so people could get through. We all kept saying "EXCUSE ME", so people started to clear a small path. As we were pushing through, this girl was standing there with a huge ass bookbag on that was three times the size of her body, and I said "Excuse me" again, and her ass wouldn't move. So I pushed her ass out of the way. I'm still laughing my ass off about it. She yelled "HOLY COW!", and I just kept walking. *Snicker* Well, I say that's what you get if you won't fucking move. That's normally not like me, but people in this world are starting to really piss me off! I'm getting an attitude problem, and I know it's all because of I'm a smart ass to people there anymore. What do you expect me to say when you walk up to me, and I'm wearing my Wal-Mart vest, I am standing at a register, and the light at the register is on, and you ask me if I'm open? Especially if I just got done checking someone else out...yeah, there ARE people who are that stupid around here. I love it when people get pissed at me for not bagging their JUGS OF WATER OR DETERGENT THAT HAVE HANDLES ON THEM MEANT FOR CARRYING PURPOSES. Or how about this: people stand at my register when I first arrive with a new bag, watch me count out some ones and fives, then ask for $100 back with their debit card...DID YOU SEE $100 IN MY DRAWER? No, I didn't think so.

Enough of the ranting. If you would like more dumbass Wal-Mart stories, just let me know.

BTW, Dad called and left a message on my answering's amazing how you can become so saddened and depressed within 5 seconds. And no, I'm not calling him back. This is the first time I've even heard from him in over a year. So much for daddy's girl.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Because of You

I will not make the same mistakes that you did.
I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery.
I will not break the way you did.
You fell so hard.
I've learned the hard way to never let it get that far.

Because of you, I never stray too far from the sidewalk.
Because of you, I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt.
Because of you, I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me.
Because of you, I am afraid.

I watched you die. I heard you cry every night in your sleep.
I was so young. You should have known better than to lean on me.
You never thought of anyone else. You just saw your pain.
And now I cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing.

Because of you, I try my hardest to forget everything.
Because of you, I am afraid.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A New Start

School is coming up very quickly. I don't have many hours this semester - only 12. So not like me. I'm normally the one taking 19...hehe. I don't need to take anymore than that, so why struggle if I don't have to. I'll still be working at least 30 hours a week, also.

This is also a fresh start. The diet once again starts on the first day of school. I think being in school helps me stay better on track. I ordered some nice weight watchers books off ebay, and I've got a mininotebook all ready to write down all my goodies in it. Russell was so sweet yesterday. He even bought me a brand new scale (the old one I have was like $5). This one was the most expensive one they had. It takes weight, % body fat, % water, and a whole bunch of cool stuff! It's awesome. It was a surprise for me even though it's his birthday...hehehe.

Russell's birthday is this Thursday, and I'm planning on taking him to his favorite restaurant, Max and Erma's in Pennsylvania. That should be fun. I've also already given him a couple of presents: a wvu shirt, a pair of pants, another shirt that says "Have a safe lunch: Use condiments", and last night I gave him his Zip Zap which is a mini remote controlled car. It's cool, but it's not working right at the moment, so we may have to take it back. He doesn't get any of the rest of his presents until Thursday which will be hard seeing as though it's two days away. I also have to get started on making his card like I always do. :)

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Oh me, Oh my!

We went home to Braxton this weekend. We showed some cattle at the fair for Russell's parents' while they were in Ohio for the State Fair. I got knocked down and trampled with some nice bruises, and Russell had a rodeo in the show ring and got his hand ripped to shreds. Fun. Hehehe. Actually, it was lots of fun. We even met up with Andrea, Erik, Dawn, and Lucas and rode some killer rides and also yelled some nice obsenities around small children. Dawn also flashed me her undies. I got trapped between two penises on the tilt-o-whirl. *snicker* It was hilarious because we were spinning so hard and laughing our asses off. What's even funnier is that Lucas was attempting to throw his body to make us spin faster.

Back to work tomorrow. *SIGH*

OHH, I got almost all my italian charms in the mail. They are awesome.

I decided to get these to represent me and the things that I enjoy and love. I got one for mom, too, but I got her one trimmed in 18k gold with 3 charms. I got all of them except for the painting in the mail so far. I think it's really neat.

Toodles for now.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Money, Old Men, and Poop

They cut my pell grant in a little more than half of what it was. I'm so pissed. I was supposed to get back at least $2,500 a semester, but now I'm only getting $924 a semester. That's a big damn difference! I was counting on that money to help pay for school after I graduate. Grrr. Not only that, but I already have to fill out deferment shit for my direct loans! AND to top it off, the financial aid guy from WVU that I talked to on the phone today was asking me really inappropriate questions. Almost like he was going to try to hit on me. At the end of our conversation, he started asking me about what program I'm in now and stuff about what I'm going to do after I graduate for the first time, and then it went something like this:

WVU guy: "So, are you from around here?"
Me: "Yeah, well, I am now. I used to live in Braxton county."
WVU guy: "Oh. So, you're married aready, huh?"
Me: "Uhh, yeah."
WVU guy: "Is that a good thing?"
Me: "Uhh, yeah." (in a surprised, you're-a-dumbass tone)
WVU guy: "You better at least wait to have kids until after school."
Me: "....umm, yeah, I will....okay, thanks for the help. BYE!"

I know. I was surprised, too. All this also reminds me of how much I get hit on by REALLY old men at Wal-Mart. Like, they are all mostly in their 80s or something. One of them told me I was a bad driver with a cart and asked me if I had a driver's license. Then, he told me that it didn't matter because I was so purty. Another time, I had a guy buy 2 huge-ass bars of chocolate, and he asked me if I wanted to go have lunch with him. He said he could eat on one end, I could eat on the other, then we could meet in the middle. THEN, another guy came through my line the other day, and he said that we either must have gotten a new manager, or he got a new pair of glasses because the cashiers up there are getting purtier every day. Harharhar. Aren't they so witty?

In other news, my good friend Abby from work was making fun of me tonight for my B.M. problems.

abbyisthebe#####: i just want to take this time to tell you thank you for telling me how much you poop
abbyisthebe#####: haha i pooped today and you didin't

Thanks for the support, Abby. I'll be thinking of you next time I get the urge. Hehehe.

Bloggin' USA

Well, I am currently working on a brand spanking new design (made by muah) for the ol' blogger. Photoshop is an awesome program, if I can ever figure out how to use certain features that are supposed to make your life easier.

We finally turned in our netflix movies that we've had now for a month. Next, we're getting "Constantine", "Troy", and the next disc of "Deadwood: Season 1". I think we're on disc 4 now. Kick ass show!

In other news, the B.M.s have been coming a little more frequently, but not as much as it should. Especially since I take two fiber pills a day! Go figure. I must have them waiting in line or something. Like they all have to be assigned a number and wait in the large intestine line....just like at the DMV....YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOREVER!

Anyways, today is date day for Rusty and I. We're finally going to go see "Willy Wonka" and go have dinner somewhere. We haven't decided where we want to eat, yet. Possibly either "CiCi's Pizza", "Bob Evans", "The Boston Beanery", or "Chinese Buffet". That's the only real options. We'll see where we end up. Yay for date day!!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Back to the Norm

I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I am a weekly pooper. Russell makes fun of me because he goes like a normal person (at least once a day), but not me. I have around one to two good B.M.s per week. Russell thinks I have an impaction. So, he told me that I should start taking fiber. I went to the store and looked over the selections, and I finally chose an orange flavored chewable tablet of Fiber Choice. It doesn't taste bad. So, I've been taking them twice a day. I still haven't seen a vast improvement, but I will be keeping a B.M. update for you. I know how you all love to talk about poop.

How often do you go? Hehehe.

Ship Sunk

Well, the conversation has taken place. All of the following were quoted to me during this conversation:

  • "my cousin set that up for me"
  • "you need to get a fucking life"
  • "you know, just because you like my blog better you don't have to be jealous"
  • "i have no idea what the hell you are talking about, you know I have never been [to] your blog"
  • "you want to flatter yourself so much as to think that someone would actually want to copy your shit I think that is great!"
  • "Sorry if you think we "stole" your creativenes[s] but you should be aware that other people can think the same things you think, thoughts and ideas are not copyrighted. As far as you thinking I am pathetic, I think you are pathetic for actually thinking I or my cousin would steal your ideas"
  • "If she couldnt' have come up with it, then apparently neither could you"
  • "it is flattering that you want to think I would copy your ideas"

She did infact change a few things on the blog after telling me she had no idea how to make the changes. So, if you go to the site now, it will be changed...I did however take a snapshot before this occurred.

Some of it is hard to read, but your eyes are not fooling you. The description does indeed say "Where you can read about me, my husband, my bird, and my pottie mouth."

Is it just me, or do other people find it funny that she expects me to believe that her "cousin" came up with those exact words on her own? I know. I'm laughing my ass off, too.

Let's take a vote for the hell of it. How many of you think that it is a coincidence that someone who went to the same high school as me would have the same exact blog from their own ideas?

BTW, just so everyone is clear, thoughts and ideas ARE copyrighted (see quote #6 above). What do you think books and songs are? Hmm.

Update: She has now changed her site to "The Mouth Diaries". I am so proud that she can think up such original ideas.

And just so you know, honey, a gallon of gas is not more than a gallon of milk. Gas is around $2.30 at times and milk (when it is not on sale) is $3.00. You have to charge more for the milk due to rising gas prices to ship the milk. Yay, we learned something new today.

{As far as this post goes, I do realize that it is petty, and I am wasting my time when I could be doing something else, BUT I had fun doing it, and I got a kick out of it.}

What's new copycat?

So, I didn't think it was possible, but my blog is actually being stolen...


I am very confused. Notice the name of the blog, and the description underneath. Notice anything similar? As soon as possible, I will be having a conversation with this person. The funniest part about it is that this person grew up in the same county as me...

Who copies a blog like that? That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Also, notice that my site began 2 months earlier, AND my site has a copyright symbol at the bottom of the page. Hmm. I wonder what copyright means?

Keep checking the site for updates. I'm sure she is.

Also, leave a comment, and let me know what you think.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Baby Fever

Yes, I admit it. I have baby fever, even though I know I don't really want a baby right now. I keep having dream that I am pregnant. I've told some people at work, and now a girl there has been telling everyone that I am indeed pregnant, so every time I turn around, someone is asking me if it's true. Figures. Yes, I would love to be pregnant and have a baby, but I am too young right now. We need to be more settled (get a house), have more money (or at least be farther through school), and I need some more time to grow up, be more responsible, and I need more alone time with Rusty. I'm selfish when it comes to my Rusty. *sigh*

Thursday, July 14, 2005


"All these thoughts are never resting."

I'd like to just start out saying how shocked I am. All these years I went to school with this girl, and now I come to find out how sick she is. I feel so terrible. You just never know about these things. It can happen to anyone. It's crazy. We all take for granted the fact that we're healthy and happy, but when you find out about something like this, it makes you happy to be alive and able.

In other news, my school plans have completely changed. It turns out that the program only starts in May, so I cannot start it in the spring like previously planned. So, in order to keep my financial aid and get the money I need, I have to postpone my original early graduation date until May, which also means I have to take a bunch of crap classes that I don't even need in order to stretch the graduating out. Fun. This also adds a whole semester to my school plans. Hmph.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Screen Door Disaster

I just called the people that run our apartments about getting a screen door since there are random people here who have them. I was informed that they can put on a screen door, but it's an additional $5 a month for rent.....

--short pause for thinking purposes--

Hmm. Why would anyone charge extra to put on a screen door?? That seems a bit ridiculous to me. But, alas, I was also informed that we can put our own screen door on with no charge, but it has to be brown.

And on that note -

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Stuff and more Stuff

So, I'm home on a lunch break from work, so I thought I would do a little update while I'm here. Everything is going great.

The weekend before last, Russell and I went to Ohio with mom for the annual reunion. Lots of fun! We ate a lot, got to see family that we only see once a year, and played our annual Texas Horseshoe tournament (like horseshoes, but throwing round metal rings into holes worth different points). We lost of course. No softball this year like we normally have. We went to a bon fire that night at my cousin Mark's and sat around and talked to everyone. The next day we visited with my great grandma, who isn't doing very well. She's 96 now, so her memory isn't as good as it used to be, but what's really heart warming is how much she remembered Russell. At first glance, she threw a big smile on her face and wrapped her arms around him like he was her most favorite person in the world. He sat there and talked to her about cattle and farming like always. She loves that.

This past weekened I had Saturday off, so mom came up and hung out. We went shopping a little, and I cooked some yummy food.

Russell and I have been working our asses off like always. Always at Wal-Mart...grr. I've been having a problem with someone at work, but I'm supposed to talk to one of the managers about it today (if I can find him when I'm on my break), so hopefully that will all be worked out.

Other than work, we've just been hanging out at home, playing World of Warcraft and watching our dvds from netflix, which may I say again is awesome. I've gained about 13 pounds back from what I had lost, so it's back on the diet. Sad days. BUT, I lost 4 pounds last week, so I'm starting back with a bang. I'm going to definitely have to lose it all and keep it off for next summer because Russell's mom decided to take us all to Jekyl Island (a private beach) for a week next July for our Christmas presents. I'm not sure exactly where it's at, yet, but I know it's at least 10 hours away. I definitely have to be skinny before wearing a bathing suit in front of all of them. *sigh* I really need to start working out on a regular basis, but I'm so lazy and work definitely takes a lot out of me in the first place.

So, I have to go for now, but I will update more another time.


Monday, June 20, 2005

I have the best husband in the world!

Oh gee. I should have posted sooner so the vacation would still be fresh in my mind. Let's see...

We went to Braxton for a couple days. Spent the first day with my mom and went to the sutton dam which was super fun. Next day, we went to Russell's parents' house, and hung out. That evening we helped Russell's dad put up hay, and dummy me left my shorts legs were scratched to hell. We left around 7:30 on Thursday morning and went to the beach. It took us over 8 hours because the last 20 miles was nothing but a traffic jam, and that took us over an hour to get through. We finally got there which was a big relief, but our hotel room wasn't as good as we expected it to be. Don't get me wrong, it was still decent, but not worth the money we paid. We just hung around the hotel that night. Next day, we got up at 5:00am to watch the sunrise. We went down to the beach and sat there, but a storm came and clowded up the sunrise, and then it started raining so we went back to the hotel and went back to bed. We swam later in the day, but the water was ice cold. So, we didn't do much beach stuff. We walked down the street and checked out some stores. We also got some orange smirnoff (and some groceries) which was mighty yummy, but also mighty expensive. Saturday (our one year wedding anniversary) was the best day ever. We went and tanned and swam some more. The water was a tad bit warmer, but still cold. That night, Russell decided to take me to Captain George's Seafood Buffet (which seats 800 people), and we all know how much Russell hates seafood. The buffet was $25.99, but it was so damn good! I felt so horrible, though, because there was nothing for Russell to eat that he wanted, so he ordered chicken fingers off the kiddie menu. *sigh* I almost wanted to cry, but he wanted to take me there so bad because he knew how much I would love it. The place was HUGE and beautiful. They had largest iron stained glass windows (by the guiness book of world records). The buffet was humongous! So, we ate, and I gave Russell a sweet and romantic anniversary card. We said we weren't going to get each other anything, but I wanted to express to him how I felt.

After we ate, and I stuffed myself to oblivion, we went down to the beach to take a walk in the dark. It was so sweet, and Russell even gave me a massage...then I got the biggest surprise of my life! Russell turned me around, then got on one knee and had a ring box in his hand. He opened it up, and there was an engagement ring that is exactly like the one I lost. I started bawling immediately for like 15 minutes, and he told me how much he loved me, and how he meant it even more now then he did then. It was so sweet and romantic. I even got mascara all over his shirt which made me feel bad. And then he told me how he had been hiding that thing ever since a few days after I lost mine (which was around 4 months ago). He also said "I'd like to thank the #### Wal-Mart store for helping me keep my secret." Apparently, half the store knew about it! If no one believed me before, now no one can deny that I have the best husband in the world!! I still cannot believe I have this ring on my finger.

Anyways, the next day we swam and tanned some more. We also went to the Cabana Cafe that was hooked onto our hotel, and I got a strawberry daquari (which sucked) and Russell got a mudslide. We had no idea what the prices were because they didn't have a menu, and our waitress just moved there from Poland, so we ened up spending $20 on 2 drinks. Fabulous. We also spent $18 that night on one round of putt-putt golf. We could have played all we wanted that night, but we only wanted to play once, and it was our last night, so we wanted to go back to the hotel. We used to whirl tub a lot with our bath toys and bath foam. It was fun. We also had a good time just sitting out on the balcony relaxing, watching the ocean, and making fun of people...hehehe. Russell got sunburned real bad on his shoulders our last day, so he had a hard time sleeping that night. We left Monday morning. Russell was tired on the way home, so I drove a while. I thought I was doing good, but apparently the highway split off, and I should have split with it, so I got us lost 23 miles off track before Russell woke up and caught it. Let's just say he wasn't too happy with me seeing as though I got us lost an hour out of our way on our honeymoon. But, we got back ok, picked up Gunther from the animal hospital and drove home. We spent our last day of vacation relaxing at home.

We had sooo much fun, but our vacation flew by, and we spent a ton-o-money. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I thought that since I am going to be gone for a while that I would let all of you know where we will be at particular times. Today, after we pack and Russell wakes up, we are off to Braxton to get the parent fix. Today is my moms, and tomorrow is Russell's parents. Hopefully, I can talk Russell into taking me swimming at the damn since I have not been there in nearly two years. Early thursday morning, we are off on our adventure, possibly to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg first. After that we are off to our final destination of VA beach in our wonderful jacuzzi filled hotel room (I bought bath toys btw...such as squirting rubber duckies and thi purple foam stuff that you can write on each other and it washes off). We will be there through our anniversary until monday when we will be headed back to ol' Motown USA.

So, anyway, that's our not so quite detailed plans, and we will see you all when we come back with plenty of fun stories to tell. Like how I will get lost when driving...AGAIN! :)


Friday, June 03, 2005

What is a friend anyway?

What is a friend, you ask?

friend n. a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

Is a friend someone who only talks to you when they will be left out of the loop or when they need something from you? Is a friend someone who talks about you behind your back or only feels jealousy about the things you have instead of being happy for you? Is a friend someone who doesn't even call to wish you a happy birthday, or instant message, or send a card, etc.?

I am utterly sick and tired of people who waste my time. I'm done doing for others who do not reciprocate. It's pretty sad when a friend that I haven't even seen in probably half a year would call and sing me happy birthday on the phone, but a friend that I have seen recently doesn't even acknowledge it. I'm tired of wasting my time, and I feel a downsizing is in order.

You know what?
That won't happen.

Do you want to know why?
Because I'm the type of person who never says anything, and I'm always the person who lets other people walk all over them. I've gotten better at standing up for myself, but it's a slow process. So, the downsizing won't happen, BUT things will change, and I'm not going to let some people get away with walking all over me when they should be the ones picking me up.

In other news, I am very saddened because a good friend who is a new friend from Wal-Mart is moving away for the summer. Her teaching job didn't come through, so she is going to stay with her parents for the summer. *sigh* I haven't got to see her in a while, but she did call me for my birthday.

Russell and I went shopping for some beach supplies (aka plenty of junk food and towels) today. Still have a few last minute things to buy when we get there so they don't go stuff that needs to stay cold. It's coming up soooo soon, but now I still have to put up with Wal-Mart for 3 days. It's been hard lately, but hopefully an 8 day break will make all the difference. I can't wait!!!

Gunther got to go outside for the first time today. Well, that would be where we actually take him out - not him running past me out the door. We got him a little harness and such. He was scared at first, but then he started eating my flowers (*scowl*) and running around in the grass. He had a good time, so it's going to become a regular around here. We're going to walk the cat instead of walking a dog because let's face it, we're not normal people...hehehe.

OHH...we also started netflix, and it is crazy cool. You make a queue list, and they just keep on sending 'em. Awesome.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

It's MY party, and I will cry if I want to.

So much going on lately...

They finally fixed my grade. Now it shows up as a 3.84. Not too shabby.

I finally figured out how much of a dumbass the people at the WVU Financial Aid office are. They sent me stuff for paying back my direct loans (because for some odd reason they said my graduation date was now, which is totally off), AND they also sent me someone else's information about their direct loans and their SS#, address, phone #, etc. Big mess. I need to go in sometime, but damn it, why should I have to take someof my precious time to go down their for their dumbass mistake??

I've started filling out applications for the nursing program. If all of that works out, which I don't see why it wouldn't, I will be starting that program this Spring semester after I graduate in December. That program is supposed to last 18 months, BUT since I already will have a degree, I can start the master's program after 1 year and still finish up the BSN while working on the master's. The master's program lasts 4 years (2 in class and 2 at Ruby Memorial), but I will be working during that time. I can also take the N-CLEX sometime during the BSN and start working as an RN for the time being and get the hell out of Wal-Mart. So, if my calculations are correct, I still have 5.5 years of school left. *shiver*

Birthday was wonderful other than being sick for a while with a nasty headache which I have been getting quit often lately. We went in Thursday to Braxton and spent some time with our parents. Mommy made me a birthday dinner and some cake, and she also bought me this cool belly button ring and a lilac rose bush. I also took in her redbud tree for the late mother's day present. Russell's mom bought me a cute skirt, shirt, and jeans (which are both a size 10 and fit comfortably...yay). Russell bought me two romantic presents: "The Notebook" and a beautiful gold ring with a pink heart. It was very sweet. He though I already knew, though, because he let it slip once by saying a ring, but I didn't hear him and he tried to cover it up by talking about a ring in the bathtub (which there wasn't one...hehehe), but I really didn't even know, so it was a nice surprise. He also took me to the Beanery, and I got a mudslide...yummy. Which also reminds me, I had to go get my new driver's license Friday morning, and Russell took me to eat birthday breakfast at McDonald's....mmmm.

So, anyway, I've got a lot of complaining to do about the ol' job-eroonie, but I will save that for a later time.


Saturday, May 14, 2005

English teachers are certainly no math wizzes.

I am very peeved with my English teacher right now. She gave us our final grades at the end of the semester so we would know whether we wanted to do her extra bonus or not, and mine was a 92% which is an A. I excitedly looked at my final grades online, and what do I see?? I see a B-!! Not even a B...but a little slash thingy attached to it meaning you barely got a B, but they felt sorry for you. I did not deserve that letter or character attached to it. I even recalculated the grade myself, and *drum roll please* I got a 92%, as well. I already emailed her once, but apparently she does not use that particular email because she didn't write back. So, I looked at my syllabus, which had a totally different email than the one WVU provided, so they should update those things! Anyway, I emailed her back this morning, grumbling the whole time, but still trying to be nice because people make mistakes. If she doesn't email me soon, her home phone number is listed on our syllabus, and by golly, I am not afraid to use it.

In other news, we decided to get a subscription to the Braxton Citizens' News just so we can stay up on all the current "news" and gossip. I am very excited to receive the first issue.

Our vacation is also coming up soon, and I cannot wait. We are going to have a blast together! 8 days away from Wal-Mart and alone with the one I love in a warm place with salty water...couldn't be better...unless we were at our cabin. ;) That jacuzzi in our room is going to see some very disturbing things....*snicker*

Friday, May 06, 2005


A few things to talk about today. First of all, I am very saddened by a good friend's death. I had been around this person a lot due to softball, band, and 4-H with her daughter Edie, and I got to know her well. A very nice and kind family, and I will miss seeing her when we go in to visit for different functions. It won't be the same. I won't drag this on because it's not fair to rehash what has happened for people, so I will move on to another topic. I just wanted to send my apologies to a good friend and a good person to let her know that I care.

A few things that are a little more upbeat:
School is officially gone, and I couldn't be happier. I actually have a little time to myself and time to play with my flower garden and get this house into shape. We signed another year contract, by the way, which is super great because this place is so nice, and we really enjoy our time here. I'm just preparing myself to do some super spring cleaning because it needs it...bad.

I just found out that I received an A in Physics which I wasn't really expecting. So, that's 5 As, one more to go. :) I'm so excited. It was so hard and stressful on me having 19 hours of classes (hard ones at that) AND 30 hours of work/week, not to mention taking care of Russell and Gunther and cleaning and stuff. I think it really shows how hard I worked to get such good grades this semester when I had to juggle work, also. I'm very happy about that. More on that when I get my last grade.

Also, Russell and I have been playing World of Warcraft like it's going out of style. Russell has been playing it for a long time, but we just bought me a copy of it and payed the monthly online fee, so we started new characters to play together and that is all we've been doing in our free time! It's so much fun, and 10x more fun because we play it together. No wonder I haven't started my spring cleaning....hehehe. We also had a nice hotdog cookout the other day which was tons-o-fun! I even tried something new by taken shucked corn, buttering anf salting it, wrapping it in tin foil, and grilling them. It was pretty good, but tasted about the same as if I would have steamed them like normal.

Work front is okay. I still don't ever want to go, but you'll have that with Wal-Mart. They've upped my hours this next week to 40, but the week after it's like 32, but I get three days off, so that's nice. My raise starts next week, I think. $7.45 an hour. Not too shabby for a Wal-Mart job. I will have been working there for a year when that raise comes through. Scary.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Just push play - they're gonna bleep it anyway.

Finals week - *shiver* Not too bad, though. Let's see, I am already finished with 3 classes, and I have A's in all 3, so now there are 3 classes left.

3:00-5:00pm ~ Stats
7:00-9:00pm ~ Physics

8:00-10:00am ~ Animal Physiology


Like I said, not too bad. BUT, I haven't been studying like a good girl. I may get a B in a couple of the classes, but that's not bad with the hard classes that I have. I would have had an A if I would have studied a little for my finals...oh well.

Anyways, I found out tonight that my dad heard a rumor I was pregnant, so he had Loralie call mom and ask if it was true....yeah. It's nice to know that people like to go around telling everyone that I'm pregnant. Just so everyone knows, when I do decide to have a baby, I wouldn't tell anyone until it was painfully obvious anyway because people have big mouths, and it's really none of their business anyway.


More on the pregnancy rant later. I need to go back to studying...or playing W.O.W. *giggle*

Thursday, April 28, 2005


I don't know about the rest of you, but I am tired of downloading music merely to find out that the quality is crappy or the song is messed up. In my Microcomputer Applications class, our teacher told us about this really cool site where you can download MP3 songs LEGALLY for only 2 cents per song.

How can they sell music that cheap, you ask?

It's a Russian website, and they do not have the same copyright laws as we do in America, so we can find any song we want, pay 2 cents for it, and download it legally and do pretty much whatever we want with the song afterwards. iTunes charges around $1 per song, and they limit what you can do with that song and how many times you can burn also cannot share it.

SOOO....I thought this was a cool website, and I thought I would share it with all you cool kids. Just so you know, I put the link on my sidebar, so now all of you have easy access.


Friday, April 22, 2005

Rec Center Hoochies

Has anyone ever been to a fitness center of any kind where there are only fat people who are out of shape?? Hell NO! Today, I went to the rec center for the first time in a very long time in order to whip my body into a little firmer shape than the jiggly blob it is right now. I would love to be at a gym where there are only people out of shape because this was absolutely ridiculous. Almost every single girl that I saw there was wearing practically nothing (but nice clothes, of course). They also had their hair all fixed and inches of make-up on their face. Of course these are the same people who you see on the treadmill running at a slightly high pace without a single drop of sweat on their body and breathing like a normal person would while standing still or sitting on the couch. I hate these people with a burning passion.



Monday, April 18, 2005

Flat Tires and Two-Headed Showers

I haven't written to all of you lovely people in such a long time. I have been so busy with everything, which includes school, working at Wal-Mart, and taking care of my perfect husband. We recently started planning our summer vacation. We're going to go to Virginia Beach for our honeymoon for about 5 days, but we're taking more off from work to go spend some time with our family. We're so excited! We reserved our hotel room today. It's going to be so awesome!!! We have a king size bed, a two-headed shower in the bathroom, and a jacuzzi in the bedroom with mirrors all around it. *Snicker*

Great news: I got off work at 7:00pm last night, and I walked out to my car, attemtped to back up, and then realized that my driver's side front tire was completely flat. Apparently I hit a pot hole or something because the rim was bent and the hub cap was chipped. You could have fooled me because I don't remember hitting a damn thing! Anyways, I had to call Russell and drag his butt back out there after he had worked all day long. So, he came, and it took a long time to even get the tire off. We got my "spare tire" out of the trunk, and keep in mind that I have had this car since I was 17 years old, and never have I once peeked under to even see IF I had a spare tire. This thing was pathetic and sitting in a stagnant pool of water. It was gross. It was a doughnut tire with barely any air in it. BUT, I had enough to make it over to TLE (Tire Lube Express) and park it there for the night. I had to get up at the ass crack of dawn with Russell when he went to work so I could get new tires. So, at 7:00am, there was a line, and I had to get 4 new tires on my car. Luckily, they were able to ding my rim back into working condition so I didn't have to go to the junk yard to buy a new one. The tires weren't too expensive, though. Now my car is so touchy when I even barely move my steering wheel. It will take a while for me to get used to it, but as Martha Stewart says, "It's a Good Thing!"

Classes are going decently. Work is just going. Melinda (my good friend from work) just had her last day at Wal-Mart yesterday. She got a teaching job...4th grade. So proud. She's supposed to come over tomorrow night so we can watch "The Notebook". She hasn't seen it, yet, so I think I'll keep the tissues handy. She might bring her boyfriend, too, so I'm going to laugh at him when he cries! Hehehe. A good night to make my world famous lasagna. Anyways, I'm off to get something to eat and relax some before bed. I still have 5 points left for today.

Friday, April 08, 2005


Welcome to The Potty Mouth Diaries! I've had my blurty for so long now, but I think it is finally time to move on to something bigger and better. I had written in my blurty since the beginning of Fall 2004, so it's really hard to let it go, BUT you can still go back and read the memories for however long they continue to keep it there.

The Potty Mouth Diaries is a place where you can read about me and my crazy adventures, and if you haven't gotten the title potty mouth.