Saturday, March 25, 2006

The good, the bad, and the OBGYN.

Some things are going great lately, and some things are going terribly wrong.

  • The car is dying apparently. I've known for a while that the powering steering was leaking all the fluid out, but I haven't had the time to take it anywhere to get fixed, so now when I drive it it makes the loudest sound EVER, and the wheel has started to lock up on me while driving. Not good. Also, the windshield whipers haven't worked right for around a year or more, and I have been very lucky that I haven't got caught in a piss storm that made me wreck because of it.
  • I missed a test Friday due to my damn car, so now I have to take it Monday after class, so I have to spend my whole weekend (with Sunday off) studying my ass of since I was prepared to get a 30% on it Friday seeing as though I missed the class a lot (when I said I would never miss it again), AND the only time I spent studying was an hour on Thursday.
  • I hate that I'm flabby and out of shape...the walking starts soon. If you would like to join me on my walks, let me know.
  • Russell's mom and dad decided to renew their vows at the beach trip that I can't go to this summer due to nursing classes. Russell's dad asked him to be the best man, so no everything is confusing. I told Russell to go, but he doesn't want to go without me. But I can't miss nursing. Hmph.
  • My lower belly button piercing is on the fritz.
  • I found rat poison and spider webs all the way around our hot water tank in our bedroom.
  • We can't get the light kit to work on the fan in our bedroom.
  • I need a new job.
  • Now we can never wear jeans PERIOD at work. Not even on our regular Friday after every paycheck.

The good:
  • The trailer is coming along quite nicely. We just got our washer and dryer. The dryer is really neat because it has a setting that detects moisture and will keep drying until all the moisture is gone so you don't have to keep resetting the time. Also, we've finished painting the office, bought flooring for the office (which goes on with special acrylic tape), and we're almost finished with the bathroom floor. We've glued half of it, so we need to finish the other half, put up base boards, and put the toilet back in. Oh, and we tested the portable dishwasher, and it works! Awesome.
  • I'm trying to take back control of my life. It seems lately that I have been really slacking off in all departments. I've decided to make a list for every day that includes class and work times that cannot be missed, then I'm going to fill in the free times with extra things I have to do...clean, laundry, trailer, walk, READ, study, etc. This has to help because as of right now, I feel so lost when it comes to things that I have to get done, and I've been so lazy that everything keeps piling up, and I've done some things that I'm not wuite so proud of when it comes to school, so things definitely have to change...NOW!
  • I've gotten my schedule for Fall already, and I will be taking Ethics in Nursing, Concepts: Maternal Child, Interventions: Maternal Child, Concepts: Psychosocial Health, Interventions: Psychosocial Health. The concept classes are just classes, but interventions are clinicals where I actually go to that place. So, I will be in OBGYN and the Psych hospital. Fun The good news about that is I will only be in each intervention for half a semester, and I won't have as much time to go to Wal-Mart. Joy.

Welp, off to do other things.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


First I have a Gunther story. When we got up this morning, Gunther kept going up to Russell meowing over and over and over, so he thought he wanted more food. So, Russell fed him. The meowing continued. Russell was sitting at the computer with only his boxer shorts on. So, we thought that maybe he wanted to be up on daddy's lap, but he knows not to be on daddy's lap when he has no pants on (due to claw siutations). So, Russell went and put pants on. After that, the meowing stopped. We figure he was tired of looking at daddy without pants on. Russell said "It's like a train wreck. He didn't want to see it, but he couldn't stop looking at it." LMAO!

Anyways, I probably need to write a shitload of an update, but I won't feel like typing that much. We went to Ohio with Russell's parents for the Ohio Beef Expo. We froze our balls off, but we had fun. Russell and I actually at some steak at the Lonestar, and if you know us, then you know that just isn't quite right. Trailer is coming along nicely. We're getting ready to buy our very own first washer and dryer. The office is almost fully painted, and Russell's parents gave us some flooring to go in the bathroom that came from the Animal Hospital. His mom thought that small of a piece of that kind of commercial flooring was probably worth like $300, but it was extra, and they didn't need it, so wala. We cleaned the carpet some, so I'm excited to go back and see what it looks like dry. The mouse probably was taken care least the big one. I still have other holes to fill in just to make sure, but I also just got a light in where the hot water tank is, and someone had actually sprinkled pellets of rat poison in there...dumbasses. They're trying to kill my precious kitty. *sad face*

Oh, Chester the beta, who lived a long life of 3 1/2 human years has recently passed on. We found him dead when we arrived home from Ohio. He still has not had his burial at sea, but I have all good intentions of doing so this morning sometime. He will be missed.

More updates and hopefully pictures later. Until then, TA~TA!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Quick Home #2 Update

Quick update before I head off to what we lovingly refer to as home #2. We've gotten so much done there. We ripped up carpet in the bathroom and office (some mold damage but we can take care of that). We started painting the office which should be finished today. A lot of cleaning has been done. Mom and grandma came Thursday and whipped the place into shape as moms and grandmas are good at. Grandma had a little accident which involved falling, grabbing freezer door, falling some more, hitting head on ground, and cutting arm on cabinets. It was sad. I felt really bad.

The assholes took the living room furniture that they said would be staying, so I'm a little pissed about that.

Gotta go. Will update some more later.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


So, it is officially ours other than the fact that I have to go to the dmv to get a new title. Sooooo much work to be done. But, they took the living room furniture that they said they were going to leave. Very disappointed about that.

That is where you can see more pictures of the trailer. Russell took a lot more when we were there today.

Tomorrow, I'm going to go out after class in the morning and start the cleaning process. We think we might have to replace all of the carpet because it's stained really bad, but I'm going to try to see what the carpet cleaner does for it tomorrow. If anyone wants to come clean with me tomorrow, then give me a call. lol

Other than that, I am too tired to give any more details. We had some loan difficulties, so I'll post more about that later. Toodles for now.