Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Umm. Yuck.

What happens when a certain puppy snarfs a dead rotten animal off the ground and swallows it whole so you can't take it from him? He barfs it up on your bedroom floor at 4 in the morning of course! After coming --><-- this close to purging it on your bed. Luckily it was surrounded by a cocoon of half digested dog food so all I could see was some sort of ear sticking out...otherwise mommy would have been barfing, too! Thanks Dex! I'm guessing either a huge mouse, bird, or flying squirrel. Did I mention that maggots and a big black spot were left in the grass where he snatched it from?

True Blood is officially over until next summer. Finale was a big disappointment. There was no finalizing to it at all. Everything was left open - like a lead up for next season. Seemed like a mid-season episode. They were definitely off-track from the books this season. Again. But I am looking forward to the Harlow/Eric story for next season. And they better do it right!