Monday, May 29, 2006

Short update

Everything is going good. School is so hard. There are so many things to keep up with every week. This week we learned how to do vital signs and such. Next week we will be learning how to do catheters, and I am nerrrrrvous.

So, I updated a Now I'm going to do some more homework and clean.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 I come!

Since you guys like to read about my life, I'm going to give you a tip on the insider secrets. I'm awaiting a phone call from Ruby Memorial Hospital today. That's right...I said Ruby. Kerri, my friend that works at Wal-Mart with me, has a boyfriend that works at Ruby, and he recently became a recruiter. So, he offered to take my resume in for me, and so he did. He talk to the lady that I couldn't get ahold of, and he told her that I was just starting as a nursing student, and she said that they had to get me in there right away! I know. It's so exciting.


Even though I hate Wal-Mart so much, I will miss SOME of the people there, and I'm really going to miss working with Russell. We don't work together too often, but I like working at the same place with him, and he knows who I'm complaining about and yada yada yada. Also, I will have to work holidays like Christmas because people just don't stop getting hurt because it's a holiday.


This job will be so much better. I get benefits, every other weekend off (supposedly), take turns getting the holidays off, and it's what I want to do. It's the field I'm going in, and I'll have a heads up for clinicals which will be a big help! Also, it's closer to home, and my school building is connected to it! I make more money, and I've heard that I can pick when I work as long as it's in the time frame that I should be there.

I will post more info later when I get my phone call. :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Death by school?

I am surely going to die this summer. There is no way I can hold down a job AND do this nursing program at the same time. I would like to share with all of you my supposed first week of classes.

NSG 361 (8:00am-12:50pm) - Read chapters 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 (Topics: Orientation, syllabus, assessment for health and illness, interviewing patients, health history, and transcultural)

NSG 255 (7:00am-1:50pm) - Read Nursing Process & Infection control: p.652-661
Sterile field: 671-682
Safety: 626-627, table 26-1
Personal Protective Equipment – p.663-667
Fire Safety: 633, 637-638
Isolation: 667-671 with Box 27-5, CDC Precautions
HOMEWORK: (Due Wed. May 24 before class starts) Delmar assignments (online tests)
-Donning/Removing clean/contaminated gloves, gown, mask

NSG 255 (7:00am-1:50pm) - Read Chapters 24 and 41
HOMEWORK: (Due Today before class starts) Delmar assignments
-Taking temperature, pulse, b/p
-Counting respirations

NSG 251 (8:00am-1:50pm) - Read Wright and Leahy Chapters 1-3, Taylor Chapters 4, 18-20
HOMEWORK: Taylor Study Guide Chapters 4, 18-20 (multiple choice and multiple response questions)

EXAM: (10:00am) Abbreviations test (at home on computer)

And just reminding you, this is my FIRST WEEK OF CLASS! It can only get worse. Oh, and looking forward to the week after that, I have to wear a swimsuit to class and bring my toothpaste and toothbrush? I think I'm scared because that can only mean that I will probably have to sit in water IN MY BATHING SUIT while someone learns how to bathe me, and brush my teeth of which I will gag because I have a hard time not gagging when I brush my own teeth...
What have I gotten myself into?
How am I going to be able to hold down a job and do all this while still trying to have somewhat of a life? NOT POSSIBLE! Come on Russell, get that damn high paying job so I can quit mine!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Old edition my donkey

Nursing classes start soon (May 22). I'm a little nervous. I have all my books but one that they didn't have available. They wouldn't buy back my brand new reproductive physiology book because they said it was an old version....whatever. I paid freaking $120 for that "old" book. I'm going to have to have my own book shelf just for my nursing books. There are soooo many of them! A lot to keep track of, but I am going to be very organized. I'm even getting a folder set up and ready. I uploaded pictures on to have it printed and ready for me in the morning to cut and paste on my folder. I think it's awesome that you can do that. We're almost done with our front landscaping. Half done actually. So, I will put up a picture of that whenever it gets done. I got some unpacking done today, but not much. It's getting there though.