Monday, May 08, 2006

Old edition my donkey

Nursing classes start soon (May 22). I'm a little nervous. I have all my books but one that they didn't have available. They wouldn't buy back my brand new reproductive physiology book because they said it was an old version....whatever. I paid freaking $120 for that "old" book. I'm going to have to have my own book shelf just for my nursing books. There are soooo many of them! A lot to keep track of, but I am going to be very organized. I'm even getting a folder set up and ready. I uploaded pictures on to have it printed and ready for me in the morning to cut and paste on my folder. I think it's awesome that you can do that. We're almost done with our front landscaping. Half done actually. So, I will put up a picture of that whenever it gets done. I got some unpacking done today, but not much. It's getting there though.

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