Saturday, July 23, 2005

Ship Sunk

Well, the conversation has taken place. All of the following were quoted to me during this conversation:

  • "my cousin set that up for me"
  • "you need to get a fucking life"
  • "you know, just because you like my blog better you don't have to be jealous"
  • "i have no idea what the hell you are talking about, you know I have never been [to] your blog"
  • "you want to flatter yourself so much as to think that someone would actually want to copy your shit I think that is great!"
  • "Sorry if you think we "stole" your creativenes[s] but you should be aware that other people can think the same things you think, thoughts and ideas are not copyrighted. As far as you thinking I am pathetic, I think you are pathetic for actually thinking I or my cousin would steal your ideas"
  • "If she couldnt' have come up with it, then apparently neither could you"
  • "it is flattering that you want to think I would copy your ideas"

She did infact change a few things on the blog after telling me she had no idea how to make the changes. So, if you go to the site now, it will be changed...I did however take a snapshot before this occurred.

Some of it is hard to read, but your eyes are not fooling you. The description does indeed say "Where you can read about me, my husband, my bird, and my pottie mouth."

Is it just me, or do other people find it funny that she expects me to believe that her "cousin" came up with those exact words on her own? I know. I'm laughing my ass off, too.

Let's take a vote for the hell of it. How many of you think that it is a coincidence that someone who went to the same high school as me would have the same exact blog from their own ideas?

BTW, just so everyone is clear, thoughts and ideas ARE copyrighted (see quote #6 above). What do you think books and songs are? Hmm.

Update: She has now changed her site to "The Mouth Diaries". I am so proud that she can think up such original ideas.

And just so you know, honey, a gallon of gas is not more than a gallon of milk. Gas is around $2.30 at times and milk (when it is not on sale) is $3.00. You have to charge more for the milk due to rising gas prices to ship the milk. Yay, we learned something new today.

{As far as this post goes, I do realize that it is petty, and I am wasting my time when I could be doing something else, BUT I had fun doing it, and I got a kick out of it.}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know what you mean. i love cussing people out and stuff. i'm am asshole. I'm the biggest hater in the world...."cuz i keeps it real".