That was some scary shit if I do say so myself. And yes, I do realize that I look like a major dumbass in these pictures, but I cannot show how surprised I was on that jackass if I did not...lol.
We spent Thanksgiving with my mommy, and I got to show her all of my gross lab pictures. She liked them. We came home on Black Friday and had to work work work. Did I mention that I hate Wal-Mart?
Russell bought a PSP with his 20% discount. He loves it so far. He just HAD to buy a wireless router thing just so he could play with his PSP more. I, on the other hand, bought kitty litter with my 20% discount. Hehehe.
I decided what I wanted to do for all the girlies for Christmas. I'm making something, and I already started getting the stuff. So exciting. Hopefully, it does not turn out like crap.
Oh, and the annual doctor appointment is tomorrow. It's at 1:30pm, so if anyone feels like coming and sitting in the waiting room with me, it would be much appreciated. This will be my first time going by myself. I know how sad that sounds. At least I'm getting it over with. They better give me better birth control this time because the one I'm on right now is majorly sucking for me.
We haven't put up Christmas decorations, yet, and I'm very sad about that. I'm going to have to go ahead and get the stuff out of the attic or something, but I can't put up the tree until Russell and I have time off to be able to do it together.
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