Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Shotty Day

Today has definitely been a shotty day. I thought I had my alarm clock set for 6:00am this morning because I had to be at the hospital between 7:00-7:15am. Well, somehow I managed to set my clock for 6:00pm instead and didn't wake up until 7:00am...I brushed my teeth real quick, threw on some scrubs, and ran out the door. No shower. No nothing. I managed to get there at 7:25am (5 minutes before I actually HAD HAD to be there), so I was okay. The only woman that was delivering did not want any "extras" in the room with her, so I went around with a nurse who had a patient that had a baby at around 6:15am this morning...when I was still sleeping. So, my stomach started hurting. No breakfast in it (not that I always eat before clinicals since it's so early). I was also sweating, but I chalked it up to walking extremely fast across the Ruby parking lot. Well, the nausea got worse, so I told the nurse that I was going to the bathroom, sat on the toilet (fully clothed), and it passed. When I looked in the mirror, my face was red, and I was still sweaty, but I went back out and sucked it up. The nurse and I went into the room to help the mom to the bathroom, and WHAM it hit me again, only this time I was nauseated, shaky, and a nice cold sweat. So, I calmly walked over to the nurse, whispered "I'm not feeling so well", so she said "okay" and walked me out into the hall and made me sit down on the floor. I started shaking even worse, and I started crying because I felt like a big idiot for having to do this. Anothe rnurse ran and got me an orange juice and crackers, and they put a perineal ice pack (the thing that goes on your vagina after having a baby) on the back of my neck...lol. I guess my blood sugar just dropped really low because I went and ate a breakfast bar, and after a while I felt much better. I've NEVER had that happen to me before. It was a bit unnerving, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why it happened today.

I got to do a foot stick for blood sugar on a baby, give a baby it's very first bath, help take pictures of the baby, dress the baby (which is harder than it looks), and feed a baby while the mom slept (a nonbreastfeeder...bad bad). It looked like my day was going to suck. Then I got pulled into the room of the woman who didn't want students just to see her baby which had Gastroschisis (which means the baby is born with an opening in the abdominal wall where the intestines are protruding). I didn't get to see much of it though because they had already covered the baby with a sterile bag to keep the intestines clean for surgery later. The baby is normally healthy other than that. They just have to mesh the intestines in and suture the opening.
After that, it was still boring with nothing to do.

Then, when the day was almost over, my instructor comes and jerks me out of my chair and has me speed walk, and she takes me to a surgery room where they were doing an emergency Cesarian section on a woman who had Placenta Previa (which means her placenta was blocking her cervix when it should be higher in the uterus not touching the cervix, and it was causing hemorrhaging which could keep the baby from getting needed oxygen). So, I got to see an entire C-section. It was so neat. The baby was blue when it came out, but it soon turned pink after some oxygen. The baby was only 29 weeks along which is too soon, but it was okay. It's so weird seeing them pull the baby out. There is amniotic fluid gushing everywhere, and they put so much pressure on the mom's incision and stomach to get that baby out. They are fast, too. It was awesome. I even got to see them pull the placenta out. Not too nasty, but I have no idea how someone could eat one of those, lol.

I thought my day was perking up after that, but then I had to sit through class where I couldn't even concentrate. Then, I forgot I parked in the Ruby parking lot and walked clear down to the lower health sciences parking lot onyl to find that my car wasn't there. So, I had to wait for the shuttle in the freezing cold to take my back up to walk some more to get my car (there was no way I was walking from the lower parking lot and freezing my butt off even more).

So, now I'm home. And I have tons of homework to do. And I want a nap.

Naps are bad.

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