Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dead body #deuce

I went to work yesterday hoping it was going to be a good day. But, when I walked in, I was informed that I was being pulled to the 5th floor which is MICU (medical intensive care unit). I started to freak a little because I had never been trained in an ICU. However, I marched my butt down there (by way of elevator), and they showed me the ropes a bit. I need to be learning this anyway because our cardiac intensive care unit will be opening soon. At times, it seems easier at ICU. All the machines take the vital signs (except temperature which you only take 4 hours anyway), so the CAs go around and write down vital signs off the monitor every hour. If someone poops the bed, then you help clean it up. Blah blah blah. I spent most of the time standing around because there wasn't much to do.

The CA beside me ended up having a patient die because they took them off life support. I poked my head in to be nice and see if I could help because in that situation, then more people the better. I wouldn't want to be alone. So I took the body bag in for them, and it was him, me, and the nurse. He face looked HORRIBLE! It was almost terrifying. And she was seaping stuff everywhere. She also kicked me. That's right. The were rolling her to put her in the body bag, and her leg kicked me. *sad face* Ugh, I was just sitting here in a daze reliving the moment. Anyway....

So, in better news, I absolutely loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove my hair. Love love love it. Best decision I ever made. I've been having people tell me that I even look more sophisticated...hmm.

Also, plans are in the process for a girly night this weekend with my two favorite girlies, Andi and Seese, so yay for that. Today is my last day of work until Wednesday. Yay me! I actually have time to get some much needed homework done this weekend. OH, and no class on Tuesday is a happy day for Tonya.

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