Wednesday, December 13, 2006

$400 tires?!

School is complete. Yay!

We spent $400 on 6 tires. Merry Christmas.

Friday I have to make the trip to Braxton (by myself in my junker car) because Gunther needs checked out. He had an allergy shot, but it didn't last long, and he's constantly scratching to wear he has bald patches again. Russell thinks we'll have to put him on prednisone or some kind of allergy pill. Also, he still keeps throwing up all the time, so Ross is going to check that, too. We've always fed him Purina Urinary Tract Formula do to his many many UTI's before, but I think I'm going to switch to the expensive vet stuff that does UTI and hairballs to see if that helps. I have to be there before noon so I can't take Russell's car because he works 11-8pm. Let's hope I don't break down. The new tires should help. After that I'll probably go hang out with mom at Shoney's until she gets off work, then go hang out at her house till 6 or so and come home.

Russell's about to get a good amount of money from the Braxton County Fair Board. He's been doing their website for a couple of years now, so he'll get like $500 for doing it and fees for the domain, and then they want to buy his design, so he'll get a good bit for that, too. Not sure how much he's going to charge, yet.

The assholes at Wal-Mart are making him work Christmas eve, so it looks like we won't get to go to his Grandma's after all.

I've done some Christmas shopping, but I haven't bought anything for Russell, yet. I want to think of something fantastic, but so far nothing comes to mind.
It was cute, he was telling me I should go get my nails done while I was waiting for our tires yesterday, but I told him I wasn't aloud to have fake nails or anything but clear nail polish at work. It turns out he was fishing to see if I was interested because he was going to get me a gift coupon to get my nails done for Christmas. lol :)
As long as I'm a nurse, though, there are no pretty nails in my future. Maybe when I get my master's though!

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