Saturday, August 20, 2011

Already started on goals. We canned some fresh green beans that we grew in our garden boxes (fat boy runners lol), and all 5 quarts were successful! It's exciting to grow and can something yourself and know that you have made food to feed your family. I've also read the first book of the 50. It's called Game of Thrones, and it's actually a whole series written by George R.R. Martin (also a new show on HBO that is awesome). The book is fantastic! It's a little longer that what I have been used to lately, but it definitely keeps your attention. The show actually comes right from the book, so it was interesting to read the book after watching the show to get some more insight into the characters. I've just started on the second book A Clash of Kings. Russell is on the third book. I think there are 5 books total so far, and he is still writing. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes to read. I have to warn you though, he is not afraid of killing off main characters which is a change from usual books. It's quite a shocker.

I've bought some more make-up (shocker), and I'm using a lash extending potion which I will do a review on after another week or two when I start seeing more results. I've been using it for a couple weeks now, and I think I'm starting to see a little bit of a change, although it says you will notice more of a change (40%) in 4 weeks. And I have stumbled upon a new AWESOME mascara that I bought a sample of at Sephora called Benefit BADgal lash mascara. It makes your eyelashes REALLY long looking, and it also separates them quite nicely and does not look clumpy. Kind of expensive, but apparently you get that if you want quality lol.

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