Monday, August 01, 2011

New 101 things to do in 1001 days

So here are the new goals! Hopefully, I can complete all 101 this time!! I'm excited to get started!! :)

1. Be approved for prescriptive authority

2. Get DEA license

3. Decorate my desk and office space at work

4. Get pregnant ;)

5. Get a tattoo

6. Plant a vegetable garden each summer

7. Swim in the ocean

8. Clean and package my wedding dress

9. Lose 10 lbs.

10. Lose another 10 lbs.

11. Take baked goodies to work for no reason

12. Make a blanket leaving the details up to me

13. Up-date blog at least once per month

14. Finish reading Game of Thrones series

15. Try two new Crockpot recipes

16. Make five new recipes

17. Learn to bake a pie or cobbler

18. Take new car through car wash three times

19. Go to an amusement park

20. Buy Christmas presents for a less fortunate kid

21. Clean out and organize the garage

22. Decorate our home for each Christmas during the 1001 days

23. Organize and file important documents again

24. Pack lunch for work every day for two weeks

25. Go to a drive-in movie

26. Get a massage

27. Take Russell on his first skiing trip

28. Get a manicure

29. Get a pedicure (even though I’m still a freak about people touching my toes)

30. Go to Comicon

31. Donate to goodwill

32. Create and notarize a medical power of attorney/living will for Russell and me

33. Write a regular will

34. Make Russell breakfast in bed

35. Pay off my student loans

36. Buy a handgun and safe

37. Learn how to shoot said handgun

38. Go fishing

39. Pack quilts not being used in space-saver bags

40. Organize all four closets

41. Clean out pantry thoroughly

42. Send my hair that’s been sitting in my cabinet forever to locks of love

43. Complete a 5k marathon

44. Rent a boat

45. Thoroughly clean the grill

46. Whiten teeth

47. Go to a concert

48. Buy a shelf and organize dvds

49. Buy a new king size bed

50. Take Dexter to the beach!

51. Buy new good pots and pans

52. Stain porch/deck

53. Stain picnic table

54. Hammer down nails in porch

55. Re-play all resident evil games

56. Clean out fire place

57. Get Lasik surgery

58. Establish care with a medical provider

59. Ride in a plane

60. Get a chemical peel or microderm abrasion

61. Get Dexter’s teeth cleaned

62. Get laser hair removal

63. Buy a new pair of glasses that I actually want to wear

64. Go on a cruise

65. Do something special with nieces/nephews (no parents allowed)

66. Read 50 books

67. Can something (meat or from our garden)

68. Send flowers to someone

69. Teach Dexter a new trick

70. Find a new hairstylist closer to home

71. Donate blood again

72. Take Russell on a surprise date

73. Take a picture every day for 30 days and document

74. Complete a coloring book

75. Go to Las Vegas

76. Identify 101 things that make me happy

77. Learn to knit

78. Go to Fright Farm

79. Buy a new car for Russell

80. Go camping twice

81. Attend high school reunion

82. Use treadmill x20

83. Protect and catalog loose photos

84. Finish a scrapbook

85. Give graduation photo to mom and grandma

86. Start my pig farm

87. Start a retirement plan

88. Answer the “50 questions that will free your mind”

89. Donate to a good cause that benefits animals

90. Take an online academic course (possibly anatomy or wound care)

91. Start a savings account

92. Go to church with mom for a special occasion

93. Dress up for Halloween (even if I have nowhere to go)

94. Lay out in the yard to get a suntan

95. Buy the puppies life jackets

96. Thoroughly clean and redesign the aquarium

97. Buy a new goldfish so Chi-Chi has a friend

98. Wash dishes every day for two weeks

99. Build a snowman

100. Fold and put away all laundry

101. Host family dinner party

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