Monday, February 15, 2010

It's President's Day?

Have you ever had to pee so bad that you couldn't even make it up your driveway and into the house for the bathroom? That happened to me today. Let's start from the beginning...

I got up early, showered, dressed, and even put on makeup to go into work. I haven't been in a while because of how bad the roads have been up here on the mountain. I was so proud of myself. So I pull into the typically full work parking lot only to find that there are merely three cars in the parking lot. Then I go to the door, and of course it's locked. And why is that? Because it's president's day. Really? Yes, I really went out for nothing today. So I went and had breakfast at Shoney's to see mommy. I was there for quite a while, and mom gave me a late house warming gift which I will takes pictures of and post later (hint: it went up on my mantle). And I also bought a couple decorative things to go up on the walls (which I will also post later). And btw, I was very proud of myself for that, too, today because I put all these things up on the wall instead of setting them aside to do later. Anyway, back to the point. I had to pee before I left Shoney's, but I figured it would be fine until later, so I left.

Then I went to go get Russell's car checked at Skeeter's which was a waste of my time, and I needed to go to the bank, so I went to park, and guess's president's day, the bank is not open. Well, shit. So, I went on my merry way and stopped at the animal hospital to pick up some frontline, chews, and interceptor. I had to pee there, too, but did I? No. Then I had to stop to pick up Russell some pepto, and the I was on my way home.

I was fine until I was a few miles from home, and the pee bomb hit me. I tried so hard to hold it. It was so bad that I thought I was going to pee in Russell's car seat, and then he would have been maaaaad. I needed to pick up the mail so I pulled over beside the mailbox, and I could not move. I had to pee so bad that if I moved one inch, I was going to pee in my pants and on said car seat. I finally came to a point where I could get out of the car, but I knew 100% that I would not make it up to the house to I pulled down my pants by the dumpster on the side of the road, and I peed. Do not judge me.

Oh, and btw....the mail didn't run today. Because IT'S PRESIDENT'S DAY! You think I would have gotten this by now.

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