Monday, February 20, 2006

Bye bye trailor

Well, someone bought our first choice for a trailor (even though we hadn't see the inside, yet). That one was the #1 picture. The lady called and left a message saying not to bother to come to look at it tonight because someone just bought it. They seemed really nice, too. The one we're seeing tonight is #2, so not bad. I just hope it has a big bathtub/bathroom like the other one did. Here in a couple of minutes, we're going to go drive around a couple of trailor parks to look for phone numbers to call. I really hope we find one soon.

I did my CPR course yesterday morning. It was fun, and I actually met someone that seems really nice who is in the same program that I am. Maybe next time I post, I will give some life-saving pointers that I learned. Now, I'm going to go get something to eat since I just woke up.

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