Wednesday, November 30, 2005
No MoRe AnYtHiNg!!
Well, I did have some pictures of our newly put up Christmas tree, BUT blogger is being retarded and the image thinger isn't working the way it should be.
So, anyways, I had a big plant pathology test today along with an animal physiology lab final. They both sucked. Enough of that.
I haven't been doing much other than working, studying, schooling, more working, sleeping, eating, and thinking about shooting myself. My days off from work are not really days off. I can't wait till this semester is over. I am in desperate need of a break. Well, I guess that won't be much of a break either because I got bumped up to 40 hours/week at work due to the hustle bustle of the holiday season, but atleast I can actually have a day off other than having to clean or something like that. I can't wait. I am so burnt out right now.
I needed to do laundry today. I didn't. I needed to do a lot of things today that I did not do. I work 2-11pm tomorrow. I do have Friday off, though, but once, clean, laundry, etc. Fun.
I will post the pics later when blog is not pissing me off.
So, anyways, I had a big plant pathology test today along with an animal physiology lab final. They both sucked. Enough of that.
I haven't been doing much other than working, studying, schooling, more working, sleeping, eating, and thinking about shooting myself. My days off from work are not really days off. I can't wait till this semester is over. I am in desperate need of a break. Well, I guess that won't be much of a break either because I got bumped up to 40 hours/week at work due to the hustle bustle of the holiday season, but atleast I can actually have a day off other than having to clean or something like that. I can't wait. I am so burnt out right now.
I needed to do laundry today. I didn't. I needed to do a lot of things today that I did not do. I work 2-11pm tomorrow. I do have Friday off, though, but once, clean, laundry, etc. Fun.
I will post the pics later when blog is not pissing me off.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Nice ass.
Break was fantastical! We spent most of the week at Russell's parents' house. Here is one new thing I did over break:

That was some scary shit if I do say so myself. And yes, I do realize that I look like a major dumbass in these pictures, but I cannot show how surprised I was on that jackass if I did
We spent Thanksgiving with my mommy, and I got to show her all of my gross lab pictures. She liked them. We came home on Black Friday and had to work work work. Did I mention that I hate Wal-Mart?
Russell bought a PSP with his 20% discount. He loves it so far. He just HAD to buy a wireless router thing just so he could play with his PSP more. I, on the other hand, bought kitty litter with my 20% discount. Hehehe.
I decided what I wanted to do for all the girlies for Christmas. I'm making something, and I already started getting the stuff. So exciting. Hopefully, it does not turn out like crap.
Oh, and the annual doctor appointment is tomorrow. It's at 1:30pm, so if anyone feels like coming and sitting in the waiting room with me, it would be much appreciated. This will be my first time going by myself. I know how sad that sounds. At least I'm getting it over with. They better give me better birth control this time because the one I'm on right now is majorly sucking for me.
We haven't put up Christmas decorations, yet, and I'm very sad about that. I'm going to have to go ahead and get the stuff out of the attic or something, but I can't put up the tree until Russell and I have time off to be able to do it together.

That was some scary shit if I do say so myself. And yes, I do realize that I look like a major dumbass in these pictures, but I cannot show how surprised I was on that jackass if I did
We spent Thanksgiving with my mommy, and I got to show her all of my gross lab pictures. She liked them. We came home on Black Friday and had to work work work. Did I mention that I hate Wal-Mart?
Russell bought a PSP with his 20% discount. He loves it so far. He just HAD to buy a wireless router thing just so he could play with his PSP more. I, on the other hand, bought kitty litter with my 20% discount. Hehehe.
I decided what I wanted to do for all the girlies for Christmas. I'm making something, and I already started getting the stuff. So exciting. Hopefully, it does not turn out like crap.
Oh, and the annual doctor appointment is tomorrow. It's at 1:30pm, so if anyone feels like coming and sitting in the waiting room with me, it would be much appreciated. This will be my first time going by myself. I know how sad that sounds. At least I'm getting it over with. They better give me better birth control this time because the one I'm on right now is majorly sucking for me.
We haven't put up Christmas decorations, yet, and I'm very sad about that. I'm going to have to go ahead and get the stuff out of the attic or something, but I can't put up the tree until Russell and I have time off to be able to do it together.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
We had our last sheep lab yesterday. Everything actually went VERY well! We even got to "explore" after we were done, although we didn't have much time seeing as though the lab took so long to begin with. I have lots of nice pictures, although I will warn you that they are very graphic. Keep in mind that these are research sheep that they will put down anyway, and they are completely anesthetized almost like a human would be if they were having surgery. They cannot feel a thing. I will only post a couple pics here because I don't want stupid people who don't understand leaving me shitty comments, so if you want to see the rest of the pictures, instant message me, and I will send them to you. They are actually some really cool pictures if you like that sort of thing.
You can't see much gore in this pic, but this is me and the sheep, smiling.

This is one of the members of the group giving a shot into the jugular to anesthetize the sheep.

That is probably the only ones I have that aren't gory, so like I said before, let me know if you want to see them.
You can't see much gore in this pic, but this is me and the sheep, smiling.

This is one of the members of the group giving a shot into the jugular to anesthetize the sheep.

That is probably the only ones I have that aren't gory, so like I said before, let me know if you want to see them.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Ugh and more Ugh
Why am I so terrified of change? It's crazy. I hate that about myself. I waould love to get my hair cut, but I'm too afraid to cut it because I think I'll miss my long hair. I can't do anything with my long hair, and it always stays back. Ugh. I'm also afraid to change things in a freaking game...isn't that insane?? It's everything that I can't easily reverse. The only thing in my life that I haven't been afraid of is things to do with Russell. I was never afraid to marry him or anything like that. He's pretty much the only thing I've been sure of.
And it seems that I can't even make my own decisions about anything. I'm always asking other people what they think I should do. I know it annoys the crap out of Russell, but I just can't help it. Why can't I be one of those people that just snap their fingers and can make a decision. This also includes job decisions, but I won't go into detail about that on here. Can we say dooce? Ugh X 2.
Thanksgiving is coming up soon. I'm a little sad, though, because Russell's brothers and sisters are not going to be able to come in as planned. Maybe only one of them and just for like a day. This is crappy. I like being able to see all of them. But, we're still going to go in and see his parents and my side of the family as well.
This week is the last sheep lab. I am planning on taking my camera so I can get some good pictures of what I see and do during these labs so I can share it with all of you, BUT the good ones might not go up here because I don't want hell for it for all those stupid people who like to throw fits about those sort of things. So, if you want to see the good ones, you'll have to ask for them so I can send them to you.
Well, I'm going to go pick up some and finish my application before I have to go to the hell hole called Wal-Mart.
And it seems that I can't even make my own decisions about anything. I'm always asking other people what they think I should do. I know it annoys the crap out of Russell, but I just can't help it. Why can't I be one of those people that just snap their fingers and can make a decision. This also includes job decisions, but I won't go into detail about that on here. Can we say dooce? Ugh X 2.
Thanksgiving is coming up soon. I'm a little sad, though, because Russell's brothers and sisters are not going to be able to come in as planned. Maybe only one of them and just for like a day. This is crappy. I like being able to see all of them. But, we're still going to go in and see his parents and my side of the family as well.
This week is the last sheep lab. I am planning on taking my camera so I can get some good pictures of what I see and do during these labs so I can share it with all of you, BUT the good ones might not go up here because I don't want hell for it for all those stupid people who like to throw fits about those sort of things. So, if you want to see the good ones, you'll have to ask for them so I can send them to you.
Well, I'm going to go pick up some and finish my application before I have to go to the hell hole called Wal-Mart.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
I want some time.
Russell and I went on a little date last night. First we went to Bob Evans and had a very yummy dinner, and then we went to the mall to watch "Saw 2". It was actually really good, although I wish it would have ended with a little more info, but I won't give anything away for those of you who haven't seen it, yet. I have a bunch of crap coming up. Lots of work, a bunch of tests, and a lab Next week we are not doing a sheep lab, but we get to listen to our professor's wife give a talk. I believe she's a surgeon, and she brings lots of pictures, and I heard it's a really interesting lecture. I'm excited and looking forward to it.
We're planning on going out with Andrea and Erik next Friday. Yay for fun! It's been a while since we've had our double date. Everyone is always so busy at different times. Who knows where we'll end up, but Kegler's is a good possibility. We can bowl and eat wingers whilst drinking cheap I'll need a little fun after my week-o-hell.
I am really not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I don't know why, but at the moment I feel like I will be working forever until I'm off again, and it's driving me nuts just thinking about it. One of those gut feelings. Why can't I just not work and just go to school? There are so many spoiled brat kids who get their education and everything else paid for by mommy and daddy, and they never have to worry about a damn thing. They don't even know how good they have it, either. I wish we'd win the lottery or something so Russell and I could just sit home all day long and play World of Warcraft or do whatever else we want to do. Maybe I could actually do other things that I enjoy but don't have time for - like finish my RE4 game or play the Sims, or finish the blanket I started, or crochet, or watch tv, or read my books that haven't come in the mail, yet. I just want some time. Ruff.
Oh by the way, Russell and I both get a 20% discount ticket for one item a piece during Thanksgiving week, and we've been thinking about what we want to get with them, so if you have any ideas, let us know!
I'm ready to go to bed so I can cuddle my hubby. I cuddled up to him early this morning, and his shoulder was so cold, so I tried to keep it warm with my face. When he called me this morning on his break, he said I put him back to sleep when I cuddled up to him. Hehehe. Yeah, I know. Shutup and quit being so sappy, Tonya. Okay. Bedtime. My back hurts.
We're planning on going out with Andrea and Erik next Friday. Yay for fun! It's been a while since we've had our double date. Everyone is always so busy at different times. Who knows where we'll end up, but Kegler's is a good possibility. We can bowl and eat wingers whilst drinking cheap I'll need a little fun after my week-o-hell.
I am really not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I don't know why, but at the moment I feel like I will be working forever until I'm off again, and it's driving me nuts just thinking about it. One of those gut feelings. Why can't I just not work and just go to school? There are so many spoiled brat kids who get their education and everything else paid for by mommy and daddy, and they never have to worry about a damn thing. They don't even know how good they have it, either. I wish we'd win the lottery or something so Russell and I could just sit home all day long and play World of Warcraft or do whatever else we want to do. Maybe I could actually do other things that I enjoy but don't have time for - like finish my RE4 game or play the Sims, or finish the blanket I started, or crochet, or watch tv, or read my books that haven't come in the mail, yet. I just want some time. Ruff.
Oh by the way, Russell and I both get a 20% discount ticket for one item a piece during Thanksgiving week, and we've been thinking about what we want to get with them, so if you have any ideas, let us know!
I'm ready to go to bed so I can cuddle my hubby. I cuddled up to him early this morning, and his shoulder was so cold, so I tried to keep it warm with my face. When he called me this morning on his break, he said I put him back to sleep when I cuddled up to him. Hehehe. Yeah, I know. Shutup and quit being so sappy, Tonya. Okay. Bedtime. My back hurts.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Quick Ranting Post
Here is a quick ranting post before I go to bed because I am awfully pissed tonight.
Rant #1: If you can't park, don't own a fucking car!! This is this dumbass who drives an orange car that lives at our apartment building, and they can never park right. Tonight I come home and actually find what should be a spot, but they are taking up a half of two parking spots. Assholes. I would have left a hate note, but I didn't have a Next time, I will be prepared.
Rant #2: If I tell you to get your fucking dog out of Wal-Mart, then listen to me and get your fucking dog out of Wal-Mart. I told that to two stupid bitches tonight, and they said, "in a minute" then went about their shopping. Did management do a damn thing about it? HELL NO! Surprises the hell out of me. So, when the health department shuts our Wal-Mart down because of it, then I will get and see.
Rant #3: Why is it that an employee can come in on their day off, dressed up for Halloween in the same thing they wore last year, and still be considered for the Halloween dress up contest? This lady is the most bullshit liar I have ever met, too. Everything that comes out of her mouth is bullshit. AND, she told me tonight that she had not voted, yet, so she went in and voted, and I have it on good authority that it was not her first vote today. She was there all day. Why would she wait until right before she left to vote...oh no....not her. It's really not that I care if I win or not because there were other people who had much better costumes than I did, and they put much more work in it, but SHE WASN'T EVEN WORKING THAT DAY! She does anything for attention, and she's a money grubber, and those are the only two reasons that she showed up at all. Bitch. Hehehe. By the way, this lady is like 80~something years old. She's a fake and a thief if you ask me. But that is a whole different story, and I have talked much longer than I planned. I am headed to bed, and I will tell the tale of my sheep cutting another day.
Rant #1: If you can't park, don't own a fucking car!! This is this dumbass who drives an orange car that lives at our apartment building, and they can never park right. Tonight I come home and actually find what should be a spot, but they are taking up a half of two parking spots. Assholes. I would have left a hate note, but I didn't have a Next time, I will be prepared.
Rant #2: If I tell you to get your fucking dog out of Wal-Mart, then listen to me and get your fucking dog out of Wal-Mart. I told that to two stupid bitches tonight, and they said, "in a minute" then went about their shopping. Did management do a damn thing about it? HELL NO! Surprises the hell out of me. So, when the health department shuts our Wal-Mart down because of it, then I will get and see.
Rant #3: Why is it that an employee can come in on their day off, dressed up for Halloween in the same thing they wore last year, and still be considered for the Halloween dress up contest? This lady is the most bullshit liar I have ever met, too. Everything that comes out of her mouth is bullshit. AND, she told me tonight that she had not voted, yet, so she went in and voted, and I have it on good authority that it was not her first vote today. She was there all day. Why would she wait until right before she left to vote...oh no....not her. It's really not that I care if I win or not because there were other people who had much better costumes than I did, and they put much more work in it, but SHE WASN'T EVEN WORKING THAT DAY! She does anything for attention, and she's a money grubber, and those are the only two reasons that she showed up at all. Bitch. Hehehe. By the way, this lady is like 80~something years old. She's a fake and a thief if you ask me. But that is a whole different story, and I have talked much longer than I planned. I am headed to bed, and I will tell the tale of my sheep cutting another day.
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