Friday, August 27, 2010

I usually despise it when people try to get attention out of another person's loss, but I promise this is not for attention. Someone who was only a year older than me died tragically last night, and it has me scared to my bones. One second you're here, and then the next you are gone. And the scariest part is that it can happen to any of us. We may think that it will never happen to us, but it can, and it will. We could die tomorrow. It just takes one second, and we could be gone. Or someone that we love so much that we can't live without them can be gone. I've always had a big problem with death, and I've gotten pretty good at putting it away and not thinking about it, but something like this just smacks you in the face and brings it all back. I may have never been friends with him, but I hurt for him. I hurt for his young daughter. I hurt for his friends and family. The only thing I ask is that I hope he did not see it coming, and I hope there was no pain. It bothers me that we will never know why something like this happens. So many young people. And somehow I just wait for it to hit closer to home. And it makes me so sick to my stomach.

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