Thursday, April 22, 2010

Long, overdue update.

Wow, it's been a while. As always. What has been going on?

  • Dad is now in jail for his trying to run over a police officer and fleeing, etc. etc. I say good riddance. He is where he belongs. I'm not even sure how long he will be there. I was so worried about running into him now that I live in Braxton, but a judge took care of that for me.
  • Loralei supposedly had her 3rd child a few weeks ago. Another girl. I hope it eats her.
  • Russell's sister Kim is pregnant with another boy and due in August.
  • Brittany is PREGNANT AGAIN and due in November I think. Kylee is around 6 months old. She's really pretty.
  • We've booked our trip to California for October 17-25th. We're staying at the Anabella which is right beside the Convention Center for Blizzcon. Not sure what all we're going to get into this year, but we have lots of new online friends that we are excited to meet as well as some ones we met last year that we hope are going to make it again, and I definitely want to go to the beach and see Nikki!! This year I hope to get a prescription for Xanax or something for the plane ride because I had an anxiety attack on one of the planes last year. Those things SUCK! One of the planes on the way there and on the way back are only 2-seaters, so hopefully that will help.
  • I'm majorly disliking my job. Lots of stupid shit going on such as trying to not give me health insurance after was already promised it. And I'm sorry to say it because it makes me sound selfish, BUT I am worth a lot more money than what I'm getting paid right now. In other words, I'm job searching.
  • School sucks but is over in a week, and then I get 2.5 weeks break. I have a big proficiency exam that I have to take next week that I have to pass with an 85% or better in order to do clinicals. Russell thinks that I'm going to like school more and know that this job will be something that I will like whenever I get into my clinicals. He thinks I'm really going to enjoy assessing and diagnosing people, and I hope he's right. We discussed yesterday what we would have done if we had to do it all over, and he thought he would have done something in computers (which he would have been really good at), and I'm not sure about me. I definitely wouldn't have gotten two degrees before going to MS. Russell thinks I would have went into wound care nursing, and I agree that I really would have enjoyed that. If I wouldn't have wasted all this money getting my masters, then I would still do that now. Gross wounds just sounds like something I would like, lol.
  • So far the treadmill has been collecting dust. I've only used it like three times so far. I just need to get myself in gear, and I know I will use it more. I've just been really lazy in my small amount of free time that I get lately.
  • I would love to just quit working and be a stay at home wifey. I don't think I enjoyed it enough when I didn't have a job because I was going through depression and withdrawls from my meds. I miss being home every day to take care of the pups and make my Rusty lunch.
  • Dexter is still getting huge. He weighs around 48 pounds now (via Wii Fit of course). He likes to act like he's a big mean doggy when there is a "trespasser" or he thinks an animal is outside or something scares him, but he always jumps on mommy's lap for protection while he does his big boy bark and growl, lol. He's so funny. He also likes to jump in your seat while you're in the middle of sitting down because he knows he'll get attention if he's in your seat, lol. I love my puppy so much, and he makes me giggle. I don't know what I would do without him.
  • Citi still has her splint on from where she tore the ligaments in her leg. She should be able to get it off next week. As of right now, she sounds like a pirate with a peg leg when she walks down the hallway! :)
  • We had a "work party" on the mountain last Saturday and another one is scheduled for this Saturday. We got most of the horse stables built and a lot of things done on the inside of the building. I don't like having my free time taken away because I feel like I am expected to volunteer my time to help, but these are things that need done. It's also Russell and my only day "off" together, and it makes me mad that he is definitely expected to be there for work even though he is only supposed to work until 11 on the weekends. He only gets one full, real day off on Tuesdays and then half days on the weekends, so that deal kind of sucks. It's hard to tell your parents that they aren't treating you like a real employee...
Well, that's all for now. Maybe I'll update more often. Or maybe not.


Nikki said...

I want to see you guys too !!! Let's plan on going to LA 4 a day :D

Mrs. Tonya Young said...

That would be fun!

Ranae W. said...

Thinking of citi the pirate makes me giggle ;) Halloween costume idea for next year!! You should have a Halloween party and bonfire!

Mrs. Tonya Young said...

that would be awesome, Ranae!! that is definitely something to consider!!