Friday, January 08, 2010

They took our JERBS!

I finished reading "The Pact". It was a very heartbreaking book, but very good also. I definitely recommend reading it sometime. My next book will probably be school books for a while. I am determined to actually learn this semester, so I'm going to try my best to keep up and read the chapters assigned.

This snow is getting so annoying. It just keep piling up and up and up. At least we still have power this time. I can endure any amount of snow as long as I have my electric and water!

I've been offered the job at CAMC, but I would really not rather take it unless I have to. Thankfully, I just got a call today, and I have an interview on Monday morning for Mountain Cap in Sutton. The job is Right from the Start project coordinator, so I would be getting clients, and educating them on their pregnancies and infant care for the first year of life. I would also be able to help those mothers in need that do not have clothes, diapers, cribs, etc. by working with other organizations to get them what they need. It sounds like a great program, and I am excited for the interview. I don't think I'm going to get paid what I would like, but I am willing to take a pay cut to do something that I find interesting and could possibly enjoy doing.

School starts next week. I have tons of stuff going on, so hopefully I won't have any trouble getting back into the groove of things.

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