Rusty and I are moving! We don't know when exactly, yet, but it will most likely be October or before depending on when the people are able to find a new house. Faith Mountain is a non-profit retreat for non-denominational ministries. These people decided to sell the place because they wanted to move back to Ohio which was closer to their family, but they wanted whoever bought the place to provide the same purpose as they do now. They are selling the whole 250 acres and all the buildings and furnishings in the cabins for the price of just their home (pictured above). Russell's mom fell in love with the place, and she wants Russell to run the whole thing, which means we will be living in that gorgeous house in Rosedale, WV. She has so many ideas of what to do with the place. The house is only like 12 years old, and it is gorgeous inside in out. I don't have any other pictures at the moment, but I'm supposed to be getting some through email in the next day or two, so I will definitely post a bunch of pictures. The pond pictured above is around 2.5 acres (so actually considered a lake), and has a side dock and a floating dock. We're planning on making a sandy beach area, and it is stocked with many fish. There are 3 cottages to rent and a large cedar house. There are hiking trails, and the whole place is just perfect. All of our bills are going to be paid for, and Russell will be making a salary. We're already looking for a new puppy (Russell wants an Australian Shepherd). We are so excited, and I cannot wait to move!! I'm not too happy about having to drive a good ways for employment, and it will take a lot of getting used to not having anything I would want within a 15 minute drive, lol. AKA WALMART!!!! The house also has a whirltub and a gas fireplace. It has 2 large bedrooms, a loft, and 2 full bathrooms. The master bedroom has a huge skylight above the bed!! There is also a large office with a sink and stove hookup, an extra room, and a full bathroom adjoining the house. It has a front porch and a deck on the back. There is a gorgeous view from every window. There is a two car garage, a basement with a pool table that they are leaving...and the basement has a kitchen area, laundry room, and another full bathroom. So that is four full bathrooms altogether lol. A lot of toilets to scrub. There is a fire pit in the front yard. A laundry room on the first floor. A kitchen and dining room area with a huge walk-in pantry! The master bedroom has primitive wallpaper which I am extremely in love with and have always wanted to decorate in, and she has huge primitive artwork on the walls that she may be leaving. She is a fabulous decorator. The whole house has fantastic hardwood floors (GREAT for cleaning and Russell's allergies!!). We've already been looking for new furniture to buy! We want new living room furniture, huge front loader washer and dryer (I'm trying to talk Russell into getting me Electrolux! in red or turquoise depending on color of the wallpaper which I think is a maroony color)(also I think we can get this stuff tax exempt since it is nonprofit), and a whole bedroom set (hopfully a king size bed with headboard and footer, chest of drawers, another set of drawers with a large mirror, and bedside tables. I also have my hope chest but not sure where I'm going to put it, yet. We may also need a new fridge and a stove if they take theirs (the stove is old fashioned, really expensive, and she may be leaving it since it is so wide). It looks kinda like below, but is all white.

Check out the website and tell me what you guys think. As soon as we get moved in and settled, you're all invited to come over and play!! I'll actually have to keep this place clean! So I'm going to go ahead and start packing up things here we won't need and get rid of a bunch of stuff so it's not chaos when we do move. As soon as we get pictures, we're going to start buying furniture I think...we're going to be storing it in Russell's mom and dad's house in Frametown until we get to move. We're going to have well water which I will also have to get used to being a city girl. We are so lucky and blessed. I guess I will have to watch my foul mouth and stop saying the "F" word all the time since we will be around church people a lot, lol. And pron will have to be limited HAHAHA! I also want a treadmill in the basement....I hope they will leave theirs!! lol
I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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