Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Itchy gitchy yaya dada.

I spend waaaaay too much money. I know this, and yet I still go and buy buy buy. Like today for example, I went to Sams and Walmart for some grocery goodness. Did I really need to buy a 4 pack of chlorox wipes? Did I really need a 20 pack of swiffer replacements? No. But I buy anyway. Maybe because I can. We never had money to just spend in my family. It was always coupons, sales, and scrimping. We didn't just buy things whenever we wanted to. That probably had mostly to do with the fact that my dad drank and gambled all our money away, but it's not like we were rich to begin with. It's nice to be able to buy whatever you want whenever you want it. This might get me into trouble one of these days, but for now I am enjoying it. Maybe I should just enjoy it a little less.

I'm getting more into photographs and decorating. I've bought more picture frames, and it's nice to have a new multipurpose printer that scans, copies, prints, faxes, and whatnot because I can print off any photo I want. Mom is also sending me some old photos of family members like my great grandma and grandpa at a young age, etc. They're old black and white photos that she had at the reunion, and she asked me if I wanted copies of them, so I figured that I could get a collage frame and put them in there.

I'm also getting rid of a whole bunch of shit. This is ridiculous how much crap we have that has been here that we haven't even touched or laid eyes on since we moved here. Gotta go. So far I have 5 garbage bags full of junk....and that's just from clothes and some stuff out of the guest bedroom. I haven't even finished that room, and I have even dared touch the office, yet. That is going to be a lot of shit. We still have a whole box full of the playstation ONE and bunches of copied games. How long do you think it's been since we've even played it?? AT LEAST 5 years or more. Gone.

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