- My weight/health - this is of course number one. The healthier you eat, the better you feel. The more you exercise, the more energy you have. I KNOW this through and through, but that doesn't change the fact that I do not do it. I want to feel good, and I know in my heart that this is a major problem.
- My organization - my home is a wreck. It is dirty, smelly, and disorganized. There is junk that needs to be thrown out. All the walls need washed. The carpets are in desperate need of tender loving care. I think they are saturated in dog shit, piss, and puke. I need to replace filters and dust, and bleach, and scrub. I need a whole week of nothing but cleaning. A healthy home would make me feel better.
- My job - I desperately need to feel better about my job. This is the one I have. This makes me a lot of money that allows us to buy what we want and need and to spend more money than we really should. I want to know more about my job and have more experience. I think this will make me not only more comfortable there, but will also let me stop doubting myself and stop caring if I'm perfect or if everyone there thinks I'm perfect.
- My school - I need to stop being pissed that I am still in school and just do it. I know that I have no idea in hell what I want to do with this at the moment, but I know it will come in time, and for now I need to learn everything I can so I do not have the same problem I have now where I wish I would have payed more attention in class. I need a nice clean work station around my computer for optimal learning. I need to stop being pissy just because I have homework that I don't want to do and just do it.
- My friends and family - I need to make more time for them. I need to send cards for birthdays and be a good aunt (also camping trips are a must have), and have more Lishy and Andi dinners and get togethers. I spend too much time sulking to do these things.
Also, I want a new car. lol I think we're going to look sometime into getting a tribeca, but paying off the trailer comes first! not to mention that school loan payments will be coming soon enough, but i'm not going to let money worry me because we are more than fine.
Oh, and I got stuff for the camera, so i'm going to take pics of my goodies soon.
I hope you all had a wonderful new year, and I hope you all feel good in your own way.
i <3 you hun. it will all be good! i promise! lets make a date to watch True Blood episodes. :)
I have those days with my job too... like this is what I signed up for and I'm lucky to even have a job but I'm constantly longing for my diversions when I *should* be enjoying work more.
I feel the same way about weight and my house being a mess, too - at least you're not alone ;)
Too bad you don't live in WV Nikki! We could help each other clean! lol
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