Saturday, January 20, 2007

Make the sickness go away :(

I have been so sick all week...well, over a week now. I missed all my classes except for one clinical because I can't miss more than one without having to make it up, and I had to call off work Thursday. I just can't shake it. It's not nearly as bad now, but more of an annoyance to me and everyone else with all the nose blowing, sneezing, and hacking.

Mom came over for an hour on Thursday mostly just to pick up my little dorm refrigerator for Josh because his new apartment doesn't have a kitchen. It's just sitting in my shed, so someone might as well get some use out of it.

The only thing I've really been doing all week is sleeping and playing the new world of warcraft expansion. I guess that's the only thing good about being sick and having to stay home. Russell's been taking real good care of me. He even had to put me to bed one night and drug me up, lol. He wasn't ready to go to bed, yet, but he laid there with me for a while and talked to me until I was almost asleep which was nice.

He also said some really cute stuff tonight which I just have to share because it was definitely way to cute not to. We saw a dad playing with his little baby girl, so we got to talking about us having babies, and I asked him if he thought our first little girl would be a sporty or a prissy, and he said "definitely prissy". When I asked him why, he said because he was going to spoil the crap out of her and put her in little frilly dresses and such. He also said that she was going to be the kind to complain to granny and pawpaw about the cow poop and how they stink. It makes me just fall even more in love with him. :)
It seems kinda funny that we don't even have a time plan for when we have kids, but we already have a definite first girl name picked out and a few possible boy names. I also had a dream last night that I was so pregnant that I was ready to pop and going into labor, and the baby was actually doing flips around in my belly, and you could see it. It was really weird, lol. There is this girl that I work with that is the same age as me, she just got married a few months ago, and she graduates from nursing school in May....she just found out she's pregnant...which of course was not their plan at the moment. She was shocked at first, but now she is so excited. It's weird how much we are alike in certain manners with all the things I listed above, and I would love to have a baby, but I know now it way far from the right time. We definitely don't have the money or time for a baby, and I know for a fact that I am not responsible enough yet to have a baby. I am still way too selfish to sacrifice so much. I want time with Russell. I don't want another worry on top of everything else I have right now. And I want to finish school and be someone. I won't be completely finished until I'm at least 26 years old, so maybe then. If I had to I could do it, but I do not choose it.

Well, I've rambled on long enough since I haven't posted in a long time, but now I gotta go do some chores. The laundry and dishes are both piled up, and I have to take a 50 question pharmacology quiz online which should at least take me an hour or more since I have to look up all the questions, so until later, TATA!

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