Thursday, December 28, 2006

Doctor Update

I talked Russell into going to the doctor. His appointment is Wednesday January 3. Everyone hope for the best please.

Christmas update

Here is my 2006 Christmas present list...

From Rusty:
  • PostSecret Book
  • StuffOnMyCat wall calendar
  • StuffOnMyCat daily box calendar
  • Harry Potter 4 dvd collection
  • Candy cane pajammies
From Mommy:
  • HUGE ASS universal remote control (too funny)
  • Portable dvd player (for traveling)
  • dvd player case
  • fancy silverware with wooden case
From the in-law's:
  • small wooden box (kinda like a small hope chest) with "Young" carved on the front
  • Bob Evan's gift card (a running joke for years now since we ate there and neither one of us had "working" money)
  • a fleece shirt for me
  • a nice shirt for Russell
And then of course we both got money from others who never know what to get us, lol. It was a good Christmas. The first night we got into Braxton we watched Jet Li's Fearless which is a must see, and we also watched The Wickerman which was really creepy but not that great. Rusty's been so sick lately. Saturday was the worst, but ever since then he has different problems. I've been trying to get him to go to the doctor since he can go for free with our new insurance, but you know men. He's says he's going to wait and see how it goes, but if it's his gallbladder, then it will come and go anyway. Somehow I need to think up a plan to trick him to go.

I've been making pretty scarves with my nifty knitter. It really doesn't take long at all to make them either. I gave grandma one for Christmas (and she called it her prayer shawl since she's been sick), and then she has to show me up and take me to these crocheted afghan baby blankets that she's been making for me, lol. She decided to make 2 for each grandchild now because she says she won't always be around to make them, and apparently my great grandma made a few and now family is fighting over them now that she can't make anymore. It's sad. She was doing a bit better for a while, but now they say she's sleeping all the time and only waking up to eat a little bit. Mom wanted me to go up there this weekend since they think she won't be around much longer, but I have to work, and what's the point really when she won't even know I'm there to see her anyway.

Russell and I are taking down Christmas decorations today, and we have to go grocery shopping. I'm going to start a new hobby today if I can figure it out. I'll take pictures of the wooden chest whenever we get stuff moved around and put it out. It's so pretty.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Random Comments

Great Grandma is eating again.

I really want to snoop in the presents Russell has for me under the tree.
One of them is either a dvd or a game....or he's somehow being sneaky. He's just like that. He likes to put presents in other boxes to confuse me, and it works.

I feel down being here by myself tonight, but he'll be home in an hour. Still counting down.

I don't understand some people.
They must not think of me anymore.
I still think about them.
Maybe it's just because I'm feeling down tonight.

I want to be cuddled for a week straight and not leave the house.
I want to go home to Braxton and live years from now when I'm finally done.
I want life to be easy.
I want this house to clean itself along with the dishes.
I want Red Lobster.
I want to have pictures of everything and all of it neatly and creatively put in all this scrabooking stuff that I have but don't have time or energy to use.
I want this scarf I'm making to be magically done so I can start on the next one.

I want to sleep for a while so I don't have to think. Maybe that's why I nap so much.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I just found out tonight that they think my Great Grandma is close to dying. She's been sleeping for the past few days and just woke up, and now she's having trouble breathing. I don't know what I expected. She's in her mid 90s. It's just that I never got to go see her this year because life got in the way as it tends to do.

Now all I can do is wait.

Monday, December 18, 2006

I don't want to get up early *tear*

Russell, Andrea, Seese and I are having our Christmas dinner/exchange presents tomorrow night. Actually, since it's after midnight, that would be tonight. I'm making a yummy lasagna since my lasagna is the bestest and some garlic bread, and they are bringing a veggie and a dessert. I'm really excited for them to open their presents.

I did some Christmas shopping for Russell today. I think I might buy him one more thing. We said a $75 limit, but you know me. I'm already at $88, and there is still that one more thing. He says I'm done, but we'll see about that.

I know I should be going to bed right now since I have to get up at 6:00am for work, but I'm so used to going to bed at 3:00am for the past week and a half now that I just can't go to sleep. I'm too awake.

I have been trying to buy the damn nifty knitter thinger, and I've checked both Wal-Marts in Morgantown, and they are BOTH OUT! What a crock of shit. It looks like I'm going to have to make a trip to Michael's even though I really don't want to. I need something to take up my time now that I have no classes...other than Harry Potter of course.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

$400 tires?!

School is complete. Yay!

We spent $400 on 6 tires. Merry Christmas.

Friday I have to make the trip to Braxton (by myself in my junker car) because Gunther needs checked out. He had an allergy shot, but it didn't last long, and he's constantly scratching to wear he has bald patches again. Russell thinks we'll have to put him on prednisone or some kind of allergy pill. Also, he still keeps throwing up all the time, so Ross is going to check that, too. We've always fed him Purina Urinary Tract Formula do to his many many UTI's before, but I think I'm going to switch to the expensive vet stuff that does UTI and hairballs to see if that helps. I have to be there before noon so I can't take Russell's car because he works 11-8pm. Let's hope I don't break down. The new tires should help. After that I'll probably go hang out with mom at Shoney's until she gets off work, then go hang out at her house till 6 or so and come home.

Russell's about to get a good amount of money from the Braxton County Fair Board. He's been doing their website for a couple of years now, so he'll get like $500 for doing it and fees for the domain, and then they want to buy his design, so he'll get a good bit for that, too. Not sure how much he's going to charge, yet.

The assholes at Wal-Mart are making him work Christmas eve, so it looks like we won't get to go to his Grandma's after all.

I've done some Christmas shopping, but I haven't bought anything for Russell, yet. I want to think of something fantastic, but so far nothing comes to mind.
It was cute, he was telling me I should go get my nails done while I was waiting for our tires yesterday, but I told him I wasn't aloud to have fake nails or anything but clear nail polish at work. It turns out he was fishing to see if I was interested because he was going to get me a gift coupon to get my nails done for Christmas. lol :)
As long as I'm a nurse, though, there are no pretty nails in my future. Maybe when I get my master's though!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Damn tires

What happens after I work my ass off all night?!

I get a freaking flat tire on the way home!!!

Luckily it happened right before Dairy Mart so I could pull over there. I managed to get the car lifted before Russell got there, but I couldn't get the bolts to budge. Russell, however, got it with like one tug....asswhipe.

So, yeah...God hates me.
I had to drive home on a bicycle tire. (well, it looked like one)

At least I got Dairy Mart cookies and cream ice cream out of it.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dead fish

I killed my fish.
The filter hadn't been working, so I just left it plugged in. Well, the bottom pipe thinger that hooks onto the filter came off somehow, so it magically came on out of nowhere yesterday while we were both gone, and when I looked at the fish tank when I came home, my white fish was sucked up into it. There was nothing wrong with him that I know of, and he was fine last night, so that means he died by the machine. When I unplugged it, he fell out of it, and his face was all pointy.
I feel like it's all my fault for keeping that machine plugged in, but I never thought it was going to start working again just like that.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Even though we put our Christmas tree up, and we just put lights up outside, it just doesn't feel like Christmas around here.

Maybe it's because I haven't put any of the presents under the tree, yet.

Or maybe it's because I gave Russell the only Christmas present that I have for him so far.
Anyone have any ideas?