Clinicals have been such a learning experience, though. I had this older man who was really confused. He had a bunch of dressings on his abdomen that needed changed, so I got to see what an infected wound looked like. Gross, I know, but I loved it.
We had such a good time on the 4th. Andrea, Laura, and Seese all came over, and we had some yummy food, watched some good movies, had some good conversations, and fun with snakes and sparklers. My friend Sammy and her fiancee came over sometime later for a little while. I'm having a blast spending more time with Andi and Seese. We're going to start a walking and swimming program for weight loss fun. Russell, me, and Andrea are going to the Olive Garden tomorrow and then going to watch "Pirates of the Carribean". Should be a good time. We tried to convince Seese to call off work so she could come, too, but to no avail.
Gunther is his same loving self. He's still running back and forth through the trailer. That's kitty exercise for you. He also had a good time at the party.
I get to go watch surgery in the operating room this week. I even get to pick what kind of surgery I want to see, and I may even get to do a catheter on someone while they're knocked out. Good times.
I smashed a bug on my computer screen days ago and it's still there.
Speaking of bugs, I found a big black centipede on our bathroom floor yesterday. I squished it, then I left it on top of the toilet to show Russell what I found, forgot about it, then when I came home from work, it was gone. Either I did not kill it, and it escaped, or Gunther found it and ate it for extra protein. He eats ants, so why not centipedes? We assume that is how he survived in the finding ant hills and eating them.
I will leave you with the cutest picture ever, taken by Laura.

(Gunther a.k.a. Mr. Gunphy Gunphersons)
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