Monday, June 05, 2006

Orientations never end

Tomorrow I have my unit orientation at the hospital. I won't have any patients, but we will be going through everything so we know what we're doing next week. I don't like the fact that my orientation day is on the devil's day 6/6/06...hmph.

Russell's leaving me next week.
Haven't decided how much of a breakdown I'm going to have, yet.
5 whole days.
And the knowledge that he will be flying on an airplane.
I think I might have a minibreakdown right now.

How is this fair that I don't get to go? I work my ass off, and no vacation for me.
Other than the fact that we're going to go to Kennywood this weekend for our 2 year anniversary. I don't think that counts, does it? One day at an amusement park? It will be mucho fun, though. I'm looking forward to it. Maybe while I'm on a rollercoaster, I will figure out what life is all about and everything that I'm supposed to know about taking care of another human being will just snap. Or maybe it will be my leg.

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