Sunday, January 08, 2006

Slutty Santa Costumes and Weenie Guns

I am so not ready for school again. I needed my long winter break in order to regain my mental strength to start anew, but no...they have to cut my freaking break short this year. It's ok. I'll be alright. I just want to whine about it a little more. Here is the class list:

  • ANPH 424 ~ Physiology of Reproduction
  • ANPR 356 ~ Small Ruminant Production
  • ENGL 252 ~ Appalachian Literature
  • THET 101 ~ Introduction to Theatre

I've ordered all of my reading material for the english class on, so that is all taken care of. I've gotten most of them in the mail already. These are my last "animal" courses. Next stop...humans. *twilight zone theme music* I only needed like 5 hours to graduate, so this is what I take. Yikes. My first class is at 8:00am tomorrow morning. That should be tons-o-fun.

Oh, let's see....enough about school. We went to Russell's parents' for the weekend, and we had a really good time. We got to spend some time with his nephew, Jacob, who wanted me to shoot him in the weenie with a pop The poor kid is three years old. Leave him alone. Hehehe. Oh, but someone without an excuse is my dear husband:

~Begin Story Here~

Russell's brother and sister-in-law got us a very thoughtful gift for Christmas. It was a one-size-fits-all slutty Santa costume which included a fuzzy bra and thong that tied on each side. Well, Russell's mom thought it would be a good idea to offer him $20 to put on the outfit and trollup around everyone that was sitting downstairs (this included his mom and dad, brother+wife, sister+husband, 3 nieces, and 2 nephews...all under the age of 6). I was the lucky one who got to help him dress. BTW, just for your information, he did wear a pair of tighty whities underneath the thong so the junk didn't hang out. It was the funniest damn shit I have ever seen! I about pissed my pants. He even sat on my lap, and we got a picture of of me looking down his bra with an excited look on my face. I do believe the pictures are now surfacing on the internet. We are thinking about suing anyone who

~End Story Here~

Welp, now that I have ensured that everyone has nightmares about Russell in a slutty Santa thong, I will go to bed.

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