Animal physiology lab test is today. It really shouldn't be too bad. I know this stuff.
I spent buttloads of money yesterday on clothes, but I actually got some cute things like sweaters (pumpkin colored) and dressy shirts and a button up sweater...and nice pants. Maybe I won't look to shabby or like a hobo this fall. I felt bad about spending that much money, though, seeing as though Russell didn't find anything he wanted...*sad face*.
We were seriously looking at some houses in the Homes and Land catalogue, but when we looked online at the realtor's websites, each house was already under contract, so now I am furious. I WANT A HOUSE NOW DAMN IT! Who knows what we'll end up doing. We have until May, but when you're buying your first house, that really isn't that much time with all of the things that you have to do.
I want my cookie dough poptart. I'm losing ATP as we speak...losing it through typing that is and possibly through fidgeting as well.
I've been working at the courtesy desk more, and I've been seeming to like it. Time flies by a lot faster over there than up front. I'm not constantly checking my watch because I don't mind what I'm doing. I already got my 20 cent raise even though I haven't started there fully, yet...not until the new schedule, but I have been filling in when they don't have anybody. I can now do all of the Money Gram sending and receiving and money orders on the computer, so I'm not a total idiot.
OHH, and in my psychology class, we watched a film on the "wild child", and it was so moving...and it pissed me off. There was this 13 year old girl that they called "Genie" whom they found in her mom and dad's house tied to her potty chair. She was beaten any time she made a noise, so she never talked or communicated, and she lived most of her life tied to the potty chair. Because of this, she missed the critical period to learn language, and she seemed mentally retarded, even though they believed that she wasn't born that way. Scientists and psychologists were all fascinated by this, and they wanted to study her and teach her. They even taught her how to speak (even though it was high pitched and muffled), and they also taught her how to do sign language, but alas, the scientists did not record their research, and their granting was taken away. They always said how much they loved and cared for "Genie", so what did they do when the granting was pulled? They gave her back to her incompitent mother after being placed in many different foster homes. Her father had previously commited suicide, and her mother stated that she was also oa victem to her husband. She didn't live there very long before being placed in a home for mentally retarded adults where she still resides today. The people who said they loved her never saw her again.
It pisses me off because even though she was disabled due to the circumstances handed her, she was learning with gaining a mental age year every year after they found her. But, because they didn't have money anymore, they gave up on her, and sent her to the dogs. It is so disappointing. All in the name of science, right? I recommend that you go to your local library and find the movie about "Genie" also known as "The Wild Child".

they make cookie dough poptarts?!!!??!! i MUST try these!
I saw a special on TLC about that girl and about other kids in similar situations, next time it is on you'll have to check it out. One of the kids had been raised by dogs and barked and acted like a dog. I thought it was interesting but very sad, it made me mad too. I think its called Feral Children
Yeah, Russell told me about that one. He's one of those watch-random-things-on-tv kind of people. And yes, they do make cookie dough poptarts, and they are to die for!!
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