Tuesday, November 02, 2010


We have been talking about taking a vacation with our good friends for a while now, but before we were talking about going to Vegas. After that shitty California trip, we decided we did not want to go to Vegas, yet, where all you can do to have fun is spend money. I think we're going to plan a whole family beach trip...meaning us, our puppies, them, and their puppies. We're thinking maybe the Outer Banks in NC where they have lots of dog-friendly beaches and renting a house. It seems really expensive there, so we're also going to look at some closer places to see about prices and such. If we do this, it will probably be this summer before I take my boards. This is going to be awesome because I really don't want to leave Dexter again for a vacation, but this way he comes with me! And I know that he would absolutely looove the beach! And what better way to enjoy a vacation then to go lay out and relax on the beach (for free) with the love of your life and your best friend! This beach trip is a genius idea! And what better way to get ready for my boards then to go on a relaxing vacation!

Which reminds me that I found out that I can start working as a Nurse Practitioner right away as soon as I graduate! Apparently I can see patients and everything, but someone else has to write prescriptions for me until I pass my boards. This is so great because now I can take my time and study right to take my boards instead of rushing to take them right away so I can start working. $70 grand a year plus insurance plus getting all my student loans paid for, here I come! Can May get here sooner? I already know a few places I'm going to apply. I think I will definitely go for Clay where I am doing my clinical rotation if they have an opening because it is so laid back there, they have their own pharmacy, and I already know the people that work there! It's about a 45 minute drive from home, but where am I going to go to work that doesn't have a decent drive associated with it! Umm no where!

Did a crappy job on my test this evening, but I still have two more tests this semester to bring it up. And I have a paper due next week. Ick. But my best buddy Adrienne is coming to see me this weekend! Yummy foods and fun games! I can't wait!

But until then, I have to go back to work tomorrow. I really don't want to. I hate this job. No respect as a nurse. They can suck it. I'm quitting the second I am able.

Christmas is coming soon, and we are poor. Definitely going to have to cut out most of the people we usually buy presents for this year. Hmm, how about the people who don't buy us crap? Yes, that will work. And brothers and sisters that never get us anything in return. And how about their 12 kids, too since we buy them stuff every year and never get anything from their mommies and daddies. I hate to do that, but buying 12 nieces and nephews gifts really adds up. Especially when you can only get them something crappy for around $10 a piece anyway. Who knows. I guess we will see what the bank looks like when the time comes, but we've been spending a lot of money on different things lately, and I'm not working a ton...or getting paid much.

Maybe I'll skimp on Christmas cards this year, too.

Don't judge me.

Oh, and that 10 pounds I said I lost, apparently it was only around 6. Wii fit tells me differently though. But it's still poundage, and I'm expecting lots more to fall off on it's own...automagically. Schwang. Rusty lost 6 pounds, too.

Mr. and Mrs. Awesome Sauce

Ohh...and shows that you should be watching right now. Because I am, and they are awesome. They keep me going week by week....

  1. Dexter
  2. Boardwalk Empire
  3. Weeds
  4. The Big C
  5. Jerseylicious
  6. LA Ink (their real shop isn't the one on the show btw...rip off)
  7. The Biggest Loser
  8. The Walking Dead (new zombie show on AMC based on a comic...so awesome, probably my new favorite...other than True Blood of course)
  9. Scrubs reruns. As always.
This winter Big Love comes on for their last season. And US of Tara which I heart a bunch.

If you don't watch these shows, then shame on you. You should be.