Saturday, December 24, 2005
Christmas Booty
Hey ya'll! It's Christmas eve! I am bored enough to post even though it's almost 11:00pm, and I need to be washing up the dishes and making my yummy pepperoni rolls with cheese to take to mom's house tomorrow to heat up for lunch along with the potato soup I made.
Russell and I are having our Christmas in the morning. I can't wait to see what he got me, although I am kinda sad that the things I got him aren't that exciting. I just couldn't think of ANYTHING good this year. That's pretty much the same for everyone, though. I couldn't think of anything good for Merry Christmas...your gifts suck.
I should be watching "A Christmas Story".
Maybe I'll get some Christmas booty tonight. Bwahahah!
Russell and I are having our Christmas in the morning. I can't wait to see what he got me, although I am kinda sad that the things I got him aren't that exciting. I just couldn't think of ANYTHING good this year. That's pretty much the same for everyone, though. I couldn't think of anything good for Merry Christmas...your gifts suck.
I should be watching "A Christmas Story".
Maybe I'll get some Christmas booty tonight. Bwahahah!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Ortho Novum 777
Hormones suck. I recently had to switch from Ortho-Tricyclen to Ortho Novum 777 due to a small problem with some side effects. Well, anyway, since the hormones are obviously different, it is driving me nuts. I feel too emotional right now, and I don't like it. Fuck you, Ortho Novum 777, and the doctor that prescribed you.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
No more Wal-Mart for YOU!
I am going to say this once more: STOP COMING TO WAL-MART! We don't want to see you there! We don't get Christmas bonuses this year anyway, so we do not require your sales. Thank you.
Anyways, grades are up. I got 3 A's and one B. The only reason I got a B is because I stopped caring and stopped going to class for that one, so yeah. Could have had a 4.0, but instead I got a 3.75 which still isn't too shabby. It's funny that I get better grades now with harder classes when I hardly try anymore than I did at the beginning when I tried hard at easier classes. Weird.
I'm sleepy, and I can't think of anything else to say right now, so I will post more later. Maybe tomorrow since I am off, and I'll probably be bored enough to post. BUT, also doing laundry, cleaning, and seeing Andi tomorrow.
Anyways, grades are up. I got 3 A's and one B. The only reason I got a B is because I stopped caring and stopped going to class for that one, so yeah. Could have had a 4.0, but instead I got a 3.75 which still isn't too shabby. It's funny that I get better grades now with harder classes when I hardly try anymore than I did at the beginning when I tried hard at easier classes. Weird.
I'm sleepy, and I can't think of anything else to say right now, so I will post more later. Maybe tomorrow since I am off, and I'll probably be bored enough to post. BUT, also doing laundry, cleaning, and seeing Andi tomorrow.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Stuff blows
I am just so down and stressed right now. I feel like giving up. The only final that I even care about is my plant pathology exam, and that's only because I respect the professor and don't want to let him down. I feel like I'm getting sick. I ALWAYS get sick on finals week. I have even been eating shitloads of vitamin c drops! Who knows. Work is work as always. Wal-Mart keeps getting busier and busier. It's crazy. Yesterday, Russell and I couldn't even find a place to park. WE waited on these two older women forever because they were loading up their car. So we sat for like 5 minutes while they did that, and one lady took her sweet ass time putting her cart up (well, she put it up at least, I guess), and then they waited that whole time, got back to their car, looked at us and mouthed "we're not going anywhere". Bitches. Why would you do that to someone. If I wasn't leaving, and I saw someone waiting there with their blinker on beside me, I would have told them right away so they wouldn't have to waist their time like we did.
I got a call from mom yesterday. Dad called her. He's trying to get to me through her, and it REALLY pisses me off. When I was little, he found a tumor in his chest that he had to have removed. It was benign. So, now he's calling her saying that he has found more tumors and that he only has a couple of years to live. He says he has no one because Loralie left him, took the kids, and wants a divorce. I asked her how he would even know how long he has to live. She said he doesn't want to go to the doctor since he has no one anyway, so she has no idea how he would know that. So, in other words, he's making up shit because he knows it would upset me. He begged her to get me to call him because one of these days he's not going to be there for me to call. And he knew that would bother me. But I don't want to talk to him. Mom says I should because she thinks I'll regret it if I don't ever talk to him again, but like I said...I don't want to. I wouldn't know what to say. Russell keeps trying to remind me that my real dad died a long time ago. Now is not the time for me to have to deal with this shit. But of course he would be the one to deal me drama during finals week.
Even more drama coming from work. This girl I work with at the service desk has always been REALLY nice to me...until now. I was sent back over there after being on regular register in order to give her a break, but she had a long line...which I would have dealt with, BUT the CSM said "you won't leave her with this long line will you?" And for some reason that majorly pissed her off that she assumed that she would leave me with a long line...which I really didn't care about. So she felt that she must stay until EVERY single person at the service desk area was no longer there. I kept telling her to go ahead and go to break. I would take care of the line. But she kept saying no. Well, this was going to make me late for my break, too, so she really needed to just go. So I kept trying to be nice and tell her it was okay to go, and she snapped. "DON'T YOU EVER TELL ME TO GO TO BREAK AGAIN! YOU ARE NOT MY SUPERVISOR! I WILL GO TO BREAK WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT!" What a bitch. This is what I get for trying to be nice! So I just didn't talk to her. So then later she told me not to be mad at her because she was not mad. Oooooooookay. Right. AND THEN, later on she went to break, came back for a few minutes, then disappeared again for a while. So I was talking to another associate when she came back, and she rudly interrupted me to tell me that I needed to go to back so she could go to lunch so I could leave on time. Yeah, I know what we're thinking. Did I say it? No, I didn't because I'm a coward. I should have said "YOU'RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR, BITCH!" But no. Those words did not come out of my mouth. I went to break just to get away from her. How was I supposed to go anyway since she disappeared? Hmm. So they were telling me that I would have to stay until she came back from lunch which would have made me like 15 minutes late leaving. So she comes back early, and I asked her why. She said "so YOU could go home". Excuse me? I did not ask you to come back early. Sheesh.
I got a call from mom yesterday. Dad called her. He's trying to get to me through her, and it REALLY pisses me off. When I was little, he found a tumor in his chest that he had to have removed. It was benign. So, now he's calling her saying that he has found more tumors and that he only has a couple of years to live. He says he has no one because Loralie left him, took the kids, and wants a divorce. I asked her how he would even know how long he has to live. She said he doesn't want to go to the doctor since he has no one anyway, so she has no idea how he would know that. So, in other words, he's making up shit because he knows it would upset me. He begged her to get me to call him because one of these days he's not going to be there for me to call. And he knew that would bother me. But I don't want to talk to him. Mom says I should because she thinks I'll regret it if I don't ever talk to him again, but like I said...I don't want to. I wouldn't know what to say. Russell keeps trying to remind me that my real dad died a long time ago. Now is not the time for me to have to deal with this shit. But of course he would be the one to deal me drama during finals week.
Even more drama coming from work. This girl I work with at the service desk has always been REALLY nice to me...until now. I was sent back over there after being on regular register in order to give her a break, but she had a long line...which I would have dealt with, BUT the CSM said "you won't leave her with this long line will you?" And for some reason that majorly pissed her off that she assumed that she would leave me with a long line...which I really didn't care about. So she felt that she must stay until EVERY single person at the service desk area was no longer there. I kept telling her to go ahead and go to break. I would take care of the line. But she kept saying no. Well, this was going to make me late for my break, too, so she really needed to just go. So I kept trying to be nice and tell her it was okay to go, and she snapped. "DON'T YOU EVER TELL ME TO GO TO BREAK AGAIN! YOU ARE NOT MY SUPERVISOR! I WILL GO TO BREAK WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT!" What a bitch. This is what I get for trying to be nice! So I just didn't talk to her. So then later she told me not to be mad at her because she was not mad. Oooooooookay. Right. AND THEN, later on she went to break, came back for a few minutes, then disappeared again for a while. So I was talking to another associate when she came back, and she rudly interrupted me to tell me that I needed to go to back so she could go to lunch so I could leave on time. Yeah, I know what we're thinking. Did I say it? No, I didn't because I'm a coward. I should have said "YOU'RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR, BITCH!" But no. Those words did not come out of my mouth. I went to break just to get away from her. How was I supposed to go anyway since she disappeared? Hmm. So they were telling me that I would have to stay until she came back from lunch which would have made me like 15 minutes late leaving. So she comes back early, and I asked her why. She said "so YOU could go home". Excuse me? I did not ask you to come back early. Sheesh.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
MMM Cheesecake
I could eat a whole entire cheesecake by myself. And I would love every second and every bite of it.
Just thought you would like to know that.
Just thought you would like to know that.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Christmas pictures
This is Russell's sugar bear that he had growing up. This sucker is so old, and I am sad to say that he died this year. We got him out of the attic, and he no longer plays music. *tear*

This is our cheap nativity scene.

This is a cute Santa with his cow that Russell's mommy gave us last year.

Daddy, mommy, and Gunther's stockings. Ignore the clutter.

Our WVU (plus red bulbs for extra color) Christmas tree. We tried a new spot this year.

This is our cheap nativity scene.

This is a cute Santa with his cow that Russell's mommy gave us last year.

Daddy, mommy, and Gunther's stockings. Ignore the clutter.

Our WVU (plus red bulbs for extra color) Christmas tree. We tried a new spot this year.

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